Once you have decided which college you want to attend, you will be encouraged to sign up for housing. In some cases, you may not get a choice- you will just be assigned to a certain residence hall. At other colleges, you will have significant choice and the opportunity to pick and choose between different residence halls.
Here are five things to think about as you are considering where to live on campus.
Think about your academic interests
Does your college offer any housing based on academic themes? What about the opportunity to take classes right in your residence halls?
Think about location
Is it important to you to be in the central part of campus? Do you want to be near a dining hall or the rec center? Would you enjoy living farther afield and feel like you are getting away from all the action at the end of the day? How about proximity to the academic building where you will be spending the most time?
Learn if living and learning communities are available.
Some colleges offer communities centered around honors programs, leadership, service learning or other areas of interest. Would you like to live with other students who share a common interest?
Consider whether or not the size of the residence hall and layout important to you.
Some residence halls vary in size – small, medium and large. How many other students do you want to live amongst? What about when it comes to your options for single rooms, double rooms, suites, shared bathrooms, common areas, etc. While most dorm rooms have the same elements, for some students the physical space is a deciding factor.
Ask yourself how important the co-ed factor is in your decision. Think about whether or not you care who you live across the hall from or whether you would prefer having a floor (or wing) that is just those of your same gender.
As you can see there are many options when it comes to choosing a residence hall. Most likely you will be happy wherever you end up, but it doesn’t hurt to ask yourself lots of questions to set yourself up for a positive situation.