Our Company
Since 2007, Great College Advice has provided students and families the highest standard of assistance in the college admissions process.
Dedicated to Your Success
We advise students and their families for selective college admissions. Since 2007, the team of college admissions consultants at Great College Advice has provided affordable and comprehensive guidance to hundreds of students from across the United States and around the world.
Our mission at Great College Advice is to provide students and families the highest standard of assistance in the college selection and admissions process. Our counselors assist students in finding the college that best fits their abilities, interests, and aspirations. We guide students as they complete their applications, write their essays, and present themselves in the best light throughout the admissions process.
Our focus is on the entire process of Mapping College Journeys, selecting the right schools, and crafting winning applications. While we care about results, Great College Advice delivers a process that is transformational. The experience of preparing for life’s next big step is itself an opportunity to learn–about the world, about community, and about oneself. The college process is not just about the offer of admission–it is about preparing young people for life-long success.
Headquartered in Denver and Boulder, Colorado, Great College Advice has offices in New Jersey, Chicago, and Massachusetts. We offer our services via state-of-the-art teleconferencing and can meet with students in our local areas. Great College Advice uses a best-in-class software platform to help our students stay organized. We believe in leveraging technology to help our students be efficient and effective as they plan for college.
For more about our college admissions advice, please see our Services page.