Feeling the winter blues? Ready for some sunshine and warmth? Let’s start thinking about summer.
It may only be January but it is not too early to start considering your summer plans.  The choices are endless but you will limit yourself if you wait too long. Here are a few questions you might want to ask yourself as you are considering your plans.

What do you want to do?

Volunteer? Work? Take courses? Travel? Relax?

Where do you want to be? 

Home? Abroad? On a college campus? At a camp?

How important is money? 

Do you want/need to earn money this summer ? Do you want to spend money on a summer program? How about starting your own business?

What are the outcomes you are seeking?

A learning opportunity? Time with friends? Relaxation? Money? Something to put on your college application?

What else will you have going on this summer? 

Family vacation? Reading for school? College essays to write?
As you can see, there are lots of questions you will want to ask yourself as you start thinking about your summer plans. Why not start the process right now. Also, feel free to check out some past blog posts regarding summer plans including: check out what local colleges have to offer in the summer and summer programs and academic enrichment.

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