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How Do You Get Into UCLA?

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Your GPA is 3.9, your SATs are over 1450 and you want to go to UCLA. Easy, right? Not exactly. That’s because you are similar to almost half of UCLA’s 57,000 plus applicants this year. So how do you distinguish yourself from the multitude? According to the UCLA admissions department, one way to stand out is in the personal essay.

On a recent tour of UCLA’s campus, I learned firsthand from admissions what they’re looking for in an essay. It all boils down to the L.I.D. In this third and final blog in a series we’ll be talking about the importance of L.I.D. in the UCLA essays.

First up is the L word (not what you think!). L is for LEADERSHIP. UCLA wants to see that you’ve held leadership position(s) and they want you to talk about them.  This pertains to more than just the class presidents. Leadership can involve Sports, Scouting, Clubs – even jobs. Any place in which you were organizing or leading others. A note of warning though: be honest about your leadership positions. Don’t pretend that you were president when you weren’t. That could cost you.

Next is the I word. I is for IMPROVEMENT. Just like your parents and teachers, UCLA likes to see improvement. Whether it’s improving a tennis game or a swim time.  It can also be improving your grades or improving the lives of those less fortunate through your community service work.

D is DEDICATION. This is where you let UCLA know how you weren’t a fly by night soccer player. You stuck with the team even when you got injured. Or you worked with the drama department for four years even when you weren’t the lead. Or you’ve dedicated yourself to a cause. You don’t have to save the world but it couldn’t hurt!

UCLA admissions stress the importance of having more than one person read your essay. Why not let that person be us? Give us a call today.



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