Best Value in Public Colleges

What do college ranking mean? Katherine Price provides insights into Kiplinger’s recent publication of Best Values in Public Education. What will be valuable to you in your college experience?

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Applying to USC? Make Sure You Have a Balanced College List

Is USC going to be as competitive as it was last year? Watch Katherine’s video to learn more about what she found out on a recent visit.

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International Student Immigration Issues #4: Maintaining the F-1 Visa While Studying In the United States

F-1 Visa

Now that you’ve received your F-1 Visa, what should you do to ensure that you keep it? Laurie Woog, an immigration attorney who understands potential issues with student F-1 Visas, explains what you need to look out for.

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It's Not Too Late to Apply for Fall 2012 Admission at Some Great Schools!

Think that you’re too late to get admitted to college for the fall of 2012? Think again! Hundreds of excellent schools are still accepting applications from prospective students because they still have space available. Read on to find out who’s on that list.

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