How Many Colleges Should I Apply To?

Study at University of St. Andrews in Scotland as an American

How many applications is the magic number to submit for admission? Many experts come up with a formula to answer this question. I hear counselors say something like this all the time: 3 “stretches”, 5 “targets,” and 2 “safeties.” But the number of applications depends entirely on who you are and what you want. If you think things through carefully, perhaps you will need to apply to only one!

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International Student Immigration Issues #4: Maintaining the F-1 Visa While Studying In the United States

F-1 Visa

Now that you’ve received your F-1 Visa, what should you do to ensure that you keep it? Laurie Woog, an immigration attorney who understands potential issues with student F-1 Visas, explains what you need to look out for.

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International Student Immigration Issues #3: Frequently Asked Questions About the Student Visa

student visa placed on a map

Have questions about your international student visa? We answer some of them here!

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International Student Immigration Issues #2: Preparing for an F-1 Student Visa Interview

F-1 Student Visa

Learn from an immigration attorney what to expect when you go to apply for your international student visa.

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