I recently visited the University of Wyoming. Situated in Laramie, the university is the only four-year college in the entire state. As such, the entire population is focused on providing Wyoming students with the best in higher education. I met with Brooke Spicer, an Admissions Representative, and asked her what would make for a great college fit. She offered up three solid reasons that students anywhere should consider the University of Wyoming.
Here is her response. In a nutshell, her three reasons were as follows:
First, Wyoming is a big state with a big spirit, and because the University has no competition for the hearts and minds of its people, students benefit from the support of the entire population. As she says, football fans travel seven hours–each way–and even if the team is losing–to see a Cowboys game. This spirit engenders a sense of pride in being a student in Laramie.
Second, the outdoor opportunities at the University of Wyoming are unparalleled. Hiking, biking, skiing, camping, sledding, spelunking–it’s all here. Anyone who likes the out-of-doors should consider trekking to Laramie for the sunshine and the access to unspoiled wilderness.
Finally, Wyoming is a relatively wealthy state in proportion to its population. With recent tax windfalls from surging oil and gas prices, the state’s legislators have decided to pour hundreds of millions of dollars into the University. The result is a construction boom–new library, a new business school, a new student union, technology investments and upgrades. And at the same time, tuition costs have been kept quite reasonable. So in terms of value, the University of Wyoming is a place where you get plenty of bang for your buck.
Thanks to the folks in the admissions office who welcomed me with open arms. I had a great day exploring the University of Wyoming.
Mark Montgomery
College Admissions Counselor