yieldYield. That is a big word for college admissions offices in the spring. Once admission decisions have gone out the door and into the hands of anxious students it is the college’s turn to be anxious. They want to make their freshman class. They want you, the students, to confirm your enrollment by May 1.
When I worked at the University of Colorado Boulder Office of Admissions  one of my responsibilities was to coordinate yield initiatives. These included mailings, visit programs, and special targeted messages to accepted students. A lot of time was spent thinking about how to help the accepted students choose to attend and what they would enjoy.
So, as you wait on admissions decisions, or decide which college to choose, take note of their special strategies to entice you. Sometimes, these don’t even come directly from admissions, they may be from alumni or current students. They may come in the form of a letter, email, t-shirt, visit invitation, or perhaps a video song like the ones below.
So, as you wait to hear  from your colleges, check out these two favorite “why choose our college” videos for fun:

That’s Why I Chose Yale and

Remember oUR Name (U. of Rochester) .
image credit:https://www.etfmarketpro.com/closed-end-funds-and-the-yield-trap.html

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