Over the next month, parents will be visiting their children at college for what’s now known as FAMILY WEEKEND.
Typically only Freshman parents attend these events. Curiosity is a big factor.
After months of agonizing about whether their children have chosen the perfect college or as we college counselors like to say, have found a “good fit”, the next few weekends provide parents a close up view of just how their child is doing.
A client in Syracuse, New York, asked me if she should visit her daughter on Parent’s Weekend.
I encouraged her to go but gave her the following tips:
- Don’t be upset if your child is too busy to spend the entire weekend with you. Busy is good!
- Offer to take your child to dinner off campus.
- Invite your child’s friends to join you. Students are thrilled to get out of the dining hall!
- Try and sit in on a class if you can get to campus by Friday.
- Attend a rah rah sports event.
- Remind your child that you’re proud of them!
Juliet Giglio
Educational Consultant in Syracuse, New York