If you’re like most parents, you’ve begun saving money for college. You know what a huge investment college can be.
But have you thought about about the investment in choosing the right college?
Consider these facts:
- A college education is the biggest investment a family will make, aside from a home.
- The cost of attending an in-state college is now well over $100,000.
- The cost of a private four-year college can easily amount to $250,000.
- Most students take MORE than four years to graduate, so plan on at least 4 1/2 to 5 years of tuition payments.
Add to these facts another, sobering statistic: almost half of all students entering college either drop out or transfer to some other institution.
Moreover, families can save considerable amounts of money if they take more care in choosing colleges that are more likely to award their student merit-based financial aid.
So it makes sense to invest in choosing the right college.
More and more families across the country are turning to professional advisers to help them in choose the right college. The Independent Educational Consultants Association (the IECA, of which I am an associate member) estimates that 22% of students attending private, four-year colleges have had some sort of professional assistance in the admissions process. Closer to home, a college counselor in a premier district in Colorado estimates that at least 25% of its student body hires a professional educational consultant.
So as you consider whether it makes sense to invest in hiring me to help map out your college journey, ask yourself these questions:
- Do you seek professional advice to help you manage your other investments?
- Did you buy your house without the assistance of a real estate broker?
- Do you get legal advice from the internet or books you pick up in the bookstore?
My fees are a tiny fraction of what you can expect to pay for a college education. An investment in the college selection and admission process will pay off in terms of:
- dollars saved
- headaches avoided
- student’s happiness on the college campus
- student’s academic success
- peace of mind
So if you’re ready to invest in choosing the right college for your student, give me a call or send me an email today. I’d be happy to talk to you personally about how I can help you and your student invest your educational dollars wisely.
Mark Montgomery
Independent College Consultant
Technorati Tags: save money for college, college admission, financial aid, college costs, tuition, admission, university