The College of Charleston , or C of C as its known to students and staff, is a public university that attracts more out-of-state applicants than in-state ones. (Due to state law, at least 60% of the college’s students must be South Carolina residents.) Recognizing the unique opportunities the city of Charleston offers, the college encourages and in some cases requires students to take advantage of the area. For example, students in C of C’s hospitality and tourism management program are urged to work in one of Charleston’s hotels or restaurants throughout their time at the college. And in their senior year they’re required to do an internship. (This is a correction to the following video, in which I said an internship is recommended.)
6 schools in 1
The college is divided into six schools: School of the Arts; School of Business; School of Education, Health, and Human Performance. Along with, School of Humanities and Social Sciences; School of Languages, Cultures, and World Affairs; and School of Sciences and Mathematics. Some of C of C’s unique programs include Arts Management, Historic Preservation, Discovery Informatics, and Computing in the Arts. The college has Division I athletics. Including sailing, sand volleyball, and equestrian, and students can attend all sporting events for free.
C of C boasts an Honors College and a number of merit scholarships for both in- and out-of-state students. The college provides many free support services, such as math, foreign language, writing, and speaking labs; individual peer tutoring; and one-on-one sessions with staff members on study skills and standardized test preparation. There also are considerable services for students with disabilities, and C of C is considered “LD-friendly”.
You can learn more about the College of Charleston in the following video.