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Community College and PSEO Classes Can Lead to University Success

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I have periodically written about the virtues of taking college classes while in high school. These “post-secondary enrollment options”(or “PSEO”) are becoming very important pathways to college for two reasons.

First, taking college credits while still in high school can greatly reduce the cost of a college education. Especially because students with PSEO credits can transfer them directly to the flagship university in their home state.

Second, they can help prepare kids for the rigors of a college education. Students who take and complete college-level courses are going to be more desirable to colleges. Universities want to admit people that they believe have a high probability of successfully completing their degree. Students who have a record of college success as high school students clearly have an edge in the admissions process.

An article from last year’s Denver Post illustrates that more Colorado high schoolers are taking college courses.  Some of them are even landing at places like Harvard. Because Harvard recognizes and rewards students who take their education seriously.

This trend is continuing, and state policies are changing to reflect this reality.  As of this past week, the University of Colorado will now guarantee admission to any student in the state who has 30 hours of credit from a community college and a GPA of 2.7 on a 4.0 scale.


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