Do any of the colleges on your list require, or recommend, a college interview? While some colleges may contact you to offer an interview after you submit your application many schools want you to schedule it on your own.
Make sure to read the instructions on the college admission office website carefully for how to schedule your interview.
In addition, you may want to check the following in regards to your interview:
– Who will be conducting the interview? Will your interview be with an admissions representative, student intern, or alum?
– What will the format of the interview be? Is it purely informational or is it evaluative? How long should you expect the interview to run? Make sure to allow enough time in your schedule.
– Where will the interview take place? Will it be on campus? Will you be doing the interview in your own community with a representative traveling to the region? Is there a Skype option if you can’t visit or there isn’t a regional rep?
– When do you need to schedule the interview? Are there requirements about when you have the interview? Certain months when these are conducted? You don’t want to miss the window for when you can interview.
Good luck to you in your interview!
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