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Essay Tips for Prompt #1 of the Common App: Sharing Your Story of What Makes You Unique

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Last week we discussed how to tackle the ‘your choice’ Common App essay prompt. This week we turn our attention back to the first prompt: 

Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story. 

As a high school senior preparing to apply to college, you are faced with the daunting task of writing an essay that will capture the attention of admissions officers to set you apart from the thousands of other applicants. Crafting a compelling narrative around your background story can be a powerful tool to showcase your individuality and leave a lasting impression on the admissions committee. To help you better understand how to address this prompt, we’ve highlighted the most important words within the prompt and examine each in detail. 

Defining Key Terms in Common App Essay Prompt 1 


College admissions officers know that some students have an interesting background that is the source of their identity. When discussing your background in your college application essay, it’s important to keep in mind that this is a part of your make-up that you may not have chosen or cannot be changed. This background can be cultural, ethnic, familial, medical, physical, economic, or any other circumstances that affect your life. There may be elements of this personal background or history that have shaped who you are today and can be acknowledged in your essay. 

When writing about your background in response to the Common Application Essay, it’s important to consider how these experiences have shaped you as a person. Also, recognize that not everyone has the same experiences and opportunities. Your background may have presented you with unique challenges or obstacles to overcome, and this can demonstrate your resilience and adaptability. Sharing your background will provide insight into your personality, your values, and your goals. 

By reflecting on your experiences, you may discover strengths or skills that you didn’t realize you possessed or recognize areas where you still have room for growth. Ultimately, your background is a part of who you are, and by embracing and sharing it, you can show the admissions committee how you have been shaped by your unique background and what you can bring to their campus. 


Your identity may be related to your background. However, your identity is different from your circumstances or history. Your identity is how you define yourself. If you want to focus on your identity for this prompt, you need to think about how you present yourself to the world. Perhaps your identity is something completely different from your background. 

So, if you want to focus on your identity for this prompt, ask yourself some questions. Who are you?  What are you? What motivates you and drives you forward in life? How do you see yourself in the world? Your answers to these questions can reveal a lot about your character and what is most important to you. Take time to reflect on what makes you who you are and use that understanding to craft a compelling and authentic essay that showcases your individuality. 

How does your identity reflect your values and beliefs? How does your identity guide your decisions and actions? By deepening your description of how your identity is important, you can take full advantage of this prompt and communicate who you are in a clear and compelling way.   


An interest is something that captures your attention and holds your focus. It could be a hobby, a passion, a cause, or even an academic subject that you find fascinating. Your interest can show how you spend your free time, what you care about, and even how you approach challenges and opportunities. This is your chance to showcase your personality and individuality in a way your background, identity, or talent may not.  

Even if your interest is not particularly unique, what’s important is that you are able to demonstrate how this interest has shaped you as a person and contributed to your growth and development. Think about what your interests say about you. Often, pursuing an interest requires dedication, commitment, and practice. By consistently engaging in an activity you’re passionate about, maybe you’ve learned discipline and time management.  

Use this as an opportunity to reveal your personality and individuality beyond what may be listed on your resume. It’s important to keep in mind that your Common App personal essay should add something new and unique to your application. You want to provide insight into your passions that aren’t already indicated on your application.  


A talent is a natural ability or skill you possess in a certain area. This is similar to an interest, but it usually entails developing some sort of expertise or ability. Possible talents include music, math, writing, and athletics.  

Perhaps you have taught yourself origami or how to knit—and you have developed this into a talent that allows you to create gifts for your family and friends. Perhaps you have become excellent at woodworking or calligraphy and have used this talent in some sort of interesting way. Your talent is something that sets you apart and showcases your unique abilities. However, just like with interests, it’s important to remember that your Common App Essay should add something new and different to your application. 

When writing about your talent you want to be sure it’s a significant part of your identity or has had a profound impact on your life. Your essay should provide insight into the unique perspective and personal qualities that have been developed through the pursuit of your talent.  


In choosing the focus of your essay, whether it be your background, identity, interest, or talent, it is crucial to consider its inherent meaning and significance to you.  

For instance, while your background as someone who grew up in a small town may hold certain nostalgic memories and experiences, the true depth of meaning may lie within your identity as a jazz musician. It is through music that you find solace, self-expression, and a profound connection to yourself and others. This identity as a jazz musician will encapsulate the essence of who you are profoundly more than your life in a small town.   

The key lies in identifying the specific background, identity, interest or talent that holds the most profound meaning and impact on your life. It’s important to recognize the intrinsic importance and significance of the chosen focus. By selecting the most meaningful element, you lay the foundation for an essay that resonates with true authenticity and leaves a lasting impression on the admissions officer. 


When it comes to crafting a compelling Common Application Essay, the importance of storytelling cannot be overstated. Note that the last word of the prompt requests that you share a story. So even in identifying the background, identity, interest, or talent that helps the admissions officer understand the “real you,” your essay will be considerably strengthened if you are able to relay an anecdote or short vignette which illustrates this key attribute about yourself.   

While this prompt asks for the story at the end, it’s likely that you’ll tell the story at the beginning of your essay. Your story acts as a starting point in the essay, helping to shed light on the core significance of the chosen background, identity, interest, or talent. It allows the reader to understand why this aspect of your life is important and why they should be interested in learning more about it. The story serves as a catalyst, moving the essay forward and creating a foundation for a deeper exploration of how the chosen item has influenced your personal growth, values, or aspirations. It’s the reflection on that story that will truly make your essay stand out. 

Incomplete Without it 

Incomplete. This word carries significant weight in the context of your application. This prompt offers you an opportunity to tell a story about yourself that is not related to your academic record or your primary extracurricular accomplishments that are already highlighted in other parts of your college application. If you find that your response to this prompt is a restating or an amplification of something that is already found on your application, consider writing about another topic. 

Essay Ideas About A Background, Identity, Interest, or Talent That Worked  

Through our extensive experience working with students, we have seen many captivating essays. These narratives showcase the profound impact of personal experiences, offering a deeper understanding of their perspective. The essays below exemplify how individuals skillfully incorporate their background, identity, interests, or talent to create compelling narratives. 

  • A student whose long-time hobby was doing magic, despite the fact that his friends thought it was nerdy and weird. He presented the essay with some dialogue in it in which friends admitted they thought he was pretty good at it, even though they didn’t think it was as cool as he did. This example exemplifies a student’s profound interest in magic, crafting a story of resilience and self-acceptance. Their essay reveals how their passion for magic is an integral part of their identity, making their application feel incomplete without sharing this significant aspect of their life. The student demonstrates the significance of embracing personal passions and finding fulfillment in activities that may be deemed unconventional or uncool by societal standards. 
  • A student with a profound love for reading and exploring various mythologies, discovered significant parallels between the myths and mythical characters he encountered and his own life experiences. His essay reflected his love of reading, his love of family, his competitive spirit, and his determination – all while relating it to mythology. This student’s essay showcases his deep interest in mythology, while creating a captivating story that reflects his identity and personal growth. It demonstrates his ability to craft a captivating story that reveals his unique spirit and personal growth but also highlights the invaluable insight that admissions would not have otherwise known. 

Need Help with the Common App Essay?  

Need some help writing a great college essay for the Common App? Having difficulty finding a good Common App essay topic? Please contact us for a free consultation. At Great College Advice, we provide personalized college consulting focused on helping make the process of preparing, selecting, and applying to college more successful, less stressful, and more fun. 


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