gap year written by a black marker on a small stone

Last week I was invited by Denver Academy to give a presentation on GAP year programs. Denver Academy serves students who have a variety of learning differences. My aim with the presentation was to make two points:

1.  A Gap year is a productive time for young people. It is “stopping out” of school, not “dropping out.”

2.  A Gap year might seem like an expensive proposition, but when that cost is balanced against the fact that the average time to complete a Bachelors degree is 5 years, and that a GAP experience can arm a student with greater maturity and a stronger direction, parents may actually save money in the long run by funding a Gap year.

I’d be happy to answer questions about Gap experiences, and to make recommendations to you. In the meantime, feel free to take a look at the GAP year PowerPoint presentation that I delivered at Denver Academy.

Mark Montgomery
Educational Planner and Gap Year Fan

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