How well do the schools on your prospective college student’s list include parents and family members once your student has enrolled?
Do they offer a text messaging alert system for parents? Do they have a Parent’s Association to get involved in? How about involvement with the Parent Fund? Can you get online access to the school newspaper? There are many ways to stay involved in the college that your student chooses. However, one of the most fun ways is by attending what has long been called “Parents’ Weekend” or “Family Weekend” on your student’s college campus.
Some colleges – such as the University of Denver – recognize that today’s family unit may not be conducive to a traditional “Parents Weekend.” Instead, they offer “Dad’s and Granddad’s Weekend” or “Mom’s and Grandmom’s Weekend.” Perhaps this may fit your family dynamic better. Or, some colleges offer separate “First Year Parent’s Weekend” and “Sophomore Parent’s Weekend” to set class years apart. Maybe you have two students attending the same college, this would allow you to focus on each student separately.
In addition, while students used to spend their time on Parent’s Weekend carting their parents around to the obligatory football game, dinner in town, and tour of classrooms, colleges have wised up and have started offering options for family members that sound way more appealing. A quick survey of various colleges’ family weekend agendas show activities such as: chocolate making, a ski bus to a local ski resort, wood, jewelery and ceramics workshops, Shabbat services, ice cream socials, art exhibits, theater, a cappella performances, academic panel discussions, and much more.
Sounds pretty fun right? I still recommend trying to squeeze in some time to actually see your student when you visit but definitely take advantage of these events the colleges have worked so hard to put together for you!
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