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Parent of a Road Map student thanks Great College Advice

A street sign that says " College Just Ahead"

Jindra’s son Kaja needed help with the college search process, so she reached out to Great College Advice. Mark Montgomery, educational consultant and college admissions expert, was able to help guide Kaja through the beginning stages of the process, and they will be working together in the future to get Kaja into the best college for him.

TRANSCRIPT: Hello, my name is Jindra Cekan. I’m a Ph.D. and I’m also the parent of a teenager, and I consulted with Mark Montgomery having to do with Kaja’s college prospects. He spent time talking to Kaja, almost for an hour, and he was just marvelous. He helped Kaja think through what major and what he needed in terms of which category of applications. He described the services he offered very well, and we will be choosing a package in the coming weeks. Thank you very much, Mark, for your wonderful advice and for being so present for my son’s questions.


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