A fall open house is a great way to take advantage of a more in depth visit instead of simply a tour and information session. An open house is typically a full day program that allows you to invest a little more time in the overall visit experience and come away with a more complete picture of the college or university.
Most open houses include an opportunity to eat on campus, sit in on a class, and talk to current students. A number of open houses also now include separate sessions specifically for parents and family members.
If there is a particular college or university at the top of your list consider the advantages of spending a full day on campus instead of just a few hours. In addition, if you are traveling from a distance this may be a great way to make sure you are getting a good feel for the school so you don’t have to plan a repeat visit there in the near future. Take the time to get all of your questions answered while you are on campus.
Tip: Make sure to register in advance for the fall open house of your choice as some have limited capacity.
Image Credit: https://njtoday.net/2010/07/12/middlesex-county-college-to-hold-open-house-2/