Yesterday, Katherine wrote about asking the right teachers for your letters of recommendation. But what happens after that? Watch the video below or read the summary in order to learn the logistics of the process after you “pop the question”.
Everyone knows the basic process of “popping the question” and asking your teachers for a letter of recommendation. In addition to asking the question, you should also be prepared to give them some additional materials: a resume, a copy of your transcript and sometimes even a copy of your personal statement. All of these materials may be helpful in providing details in order to write a high quality letter of recommendation.
The next step in the process is figuring out the what the process is for sending letters of recommendation at your school.
Some schools do things the old fashioned way and send letters of recommendation through the mail. If this is the case, then you need to provide your teachers with the recommendation forms printed out either from the Common Application or through the college’s website if they have their own application process. You should also provide teachers with stamped envelopes addressed to the undergraduate admissions office of each college that you are applying to.
Some high schools will send letters of recommendation electronically. If your school has an electronic system, like Naviance, you may need to go into your account and indicate which teachers will be writing your letters.
Other schools require students to fill out a form indicating which teachers are writing your letters and turn it into your guidance counseling office.
Regardless of the process, you should be the one asking your teachers for that initial recommendation and supplying them with some additional materials. Follow these steps and you should have some high quality letters of recommendation for your college applications.
Katherine Price
Educational Consultant
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