Just when you thought you were finished with college applications this is the time of year when honors programs and leadership programs typically will encourage you to submit their separate applications. Many of these programs have deadlines between January and March and you don’t want to miss the opportunity to participate.

In a past post I discussed the value of participating in an honors program . Honors programs and leadership programs are a fantastic way to surround yourself with other high achieving and motivated students. This is the perfect moment to spend a little time researching in detail about the kinds of programs that the colleges offer and if you are qualified for them.

You may also want to look at and consider the following:

– What is their admission criteria for acceptance into the program?
– How many students are admitted into the program?
– What are the benefits to participation (Do you get priority registration, small classes, special living opportunities, etc)?
– If not accepted for your first year can you apply later on in college?
– Are there special classes or evening commitments involved?
– Does the program apply to all majors?
– Do you get access to additional advising opportunities?
– Do you need to live with other honors students to participate?
Take this time to learn about the honors opportunities for talented students at the college of your choice and then start working on those applications!
Good luck!

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