Are you spending your spring break visiting colleges? Don’t forget that once the visits are done there is still plenty to do when you get home.
When it comes time to filling out college applications next fall you will thank yourself for keeping clear and accurate records of your visit. Come August it may be hard to remember which library and rec center went with which school. It may also be tough to remember who you met with while you were on campus. Why is this important? Well, many colleges ask questions in their application supplement about your visit. Do yourself a favor now and make sure you don’t forget any important details when it comes to filling out that section.
Here are three things you should do after a college visit:
1. Jot down notes
After each visit you should write down a few notes about the college. These notes will help to trigger your memory. These might include: the dates you visited, what you liked or disliked, what you did while you were on campus, questions you still have for the school, etc.
2. Record names of the people you met with during the visit
Make sure to write down the names of the people that you interacted with during your campus visit. These names might include: coaches, deans, professors, students, or admissions officers. You may want to refer to these people later on during the application or interview process especially if they influenced your decision to apply.
3. Follow up
Make sure to follow up on any loose ends after your visit. Did you interview while you were there? Make sure to follow up by writing a thank you note. Did you have lingering questions? Follow up with an email or phone call. Unsure if you are on their mailing list? Follow up by giving them your contact information and requesting to be added to their distribution list.
Have a great college visit!