Are You A First Generation College Student?
Will you be a first generation college student? Make sure to mark it on your college application.
Will you be a first generation college student? Make sure to mark it on your college application.
If you’re thinking about attending college in Colorado, you may be curious about which colleges produced graduates with the highest starting salaries. A recent report by the Colorado Department of Higher Education collected this type of data.
You may have heard the term MOOC — massive open online course — and wondered what it was all about. Read this blog post for an explanation.
Coming back from a college visit? Don’t forget these three important “to-do” items once you get home.
Starting to conduct college research? Make sure to try a virtual tour.
Seniors, have you decided where you are attending next year? Consider creating your own “March Madness” style bracket with your college choices.
So you were not admitted to your first choice college. What do you do now?
You have received your college application decision and you have been placed on the wait list. What does this mean and what should you do to follow up with the college?
So you have received decisions on your college applications. What’s next? Read this post regarding next steps for college acceptance letters.
Wondering how much you’ll make if you attend one college versus another? How do you get that information? Read this blog post to find out.