Why Hire An Educational Consultant?
Why hire an educational consultant? Because you get personalized attention, alleviate stress, gain a competitive edge, eliminate confusion, and (best of all) you can SAVE MONEY!
Why hire an educational consultant? Because you get personalized attention, alleviate stress, gain a competitive edge, eliminate confusion, and (best of all) you can SAVE MONEY!
The SAT Subject tests seem to be quickly becoming a thing of the past… or are they?
Planning an effective, fruitful gap year can seem like an impossible task, but it’s easier than you think!
University admissions requirements are different in the UK than they are in the US. Make sure you know what you need before deciding to apply there!
It is not too late for seniors to consider admission to UK universities! A number of UK institutions are on the Common Application, but many more are only available through UCAS, the primary application used in the UK.
In this guest post, Colin Smith, a Harvard College junior, shares his experiences in taking a gap year between high school and college.
It can be tough to figure out how to demonstrate your character in an essay. Mark gives some tips.
Mark reflects on whether kids today are smarter and more talented than Ivy League applicants of the past. His answer: no.
When visiting a college campus, it is often difficult to get a straight answer from people in the admissions office about student life. So if you really want to learn what students are like, you need to ask random people, like the people working the counters at the cafes and bookstores. Ask them about whether students are intellectually serious or more interested in partying. You’ll often get a straight answer from people who really have no vested interest in giving you the “party line.” So if you want the straight scoop about a college campus, ask the right questions of unsuspecting people. You’ll be surprised how much you can learn.
While many students celebrate April 1 and the release of college decisions, students who were not admitted into their school of choice may have a