Did you see that Hillary Clinton unveiled more of her education policy platform?  It was reported in an article in InsideHigherEd.com.  Part of her plan is to make college more accessible to students of limited means by using some economic tools and expanding the student loan program.  Here’s an excerpt from the article.

Sen. Hillary Clinton, the Democratic front runner for president in 2008, unveiled a college aid plan Thursday that would pour $8 billion a year in new funds into an expanded tuition tax credit, bigger Pell Grants, support for community colleges, and work force training, among other things. It would also require public colleges to set multiyear tuition rates to help families better plan to pay for college and compel them to publish information about the employment rates and earnings of their students upon graduation (proposals that even the Spellings Commission might love). And like the other leading Democratic candidates, Clinton calls for financing her increased spending in part by eliminating the guaranteed student loan program.

As a college counselor, it’s nice to see that access to higher education is being addressed in the campaign.  Perhaps it’s not as hot an issue as the Iraq War, and perhaps the folks at Ed in ’08 are not feeling that education is getting the attention it deserves.  But these issues of access are crucial in American higher education.
Mark Montgomery
Educational Consultant and Independent College Counselor

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