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Great College Advice Blog

Wanna Go To Med School? Forget Science. Major in Liberal Arts.

Most assume that in order to go to medical school, one must major in the sciences. But I tell people all the time that medical schools want interesting, educated, creative human beings. A philosophy major will do just as well, as long as one takes the basic requisites in the sciences (including the dreaded organic chemistry). But it turns out that organic chemistry might even be optional.

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a man holding documents

Documentation: Six Core Elements

To receive accommodations at the post-secondary level, documentation must demonstrate that your student has a disability as defined by the ADA and Section 504. Today’s blog outlines six core elements to help you review your current documentation.

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Documentation: How much is enough?

Colleges typically use your student’s age, the evaluator’s assessment approach, and the level of detail provided in the last eligibility evaluation to determine the level of support she will receive at the college level.

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Need more time for the ACT or SAT?

If you’ve been diagnosed with a learning disability, you may want to consider requesting special accommodations when you take the SAT or ACT. Depending on your learning disability, accommodations could include extended time to complete the test, testing over multiple days, access to an audio DVD, or a specific seating arrangement. Students with ADHD, for example, may be able to take the test with extended time in a room with fewer students. There’s no additional charge to complete an accommodated test, and because college admissions committees don’t know when tests were taken under modified circumstances, you shouldn’t hesitate to request accommodations if you need them.

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Touring a Campus? Don't Forget the Library!

The library is no longer just the place to check out books. It may play a key role in your college experiences. What should you be looking for in a college library? What questions should you ask about the library when visiting a college campus?

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Featured LD Program: Curry College

The PAL Program, the Program for Advancement of Learning, is a structured support program that provides assistance to LD students in a proactive, strength-based environment and access to assistive technologies.

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Fraternities and Sororities in America

Are Fraternities and Sororities Essential Elements of Campus Life? Or Dangerous Anachronisms?

Mark reviews a recent article from The Atlantic about the dangers of belonging to a fraternity. And no, the danger is related to neither alcohol or sex. Read it!
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Denver College Admission Expert Quoted in Money Magazine

Denver College Consultant Mark Montgomery is quoted in Money Magazine about the nightmare of getting into your dream college, only to discover you cannot afford it.
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thankyou written on a yellow color note

After the College Admissions Interview– Building A Positive Impression

In the final post in a series on nailing the college admissions interview, an educational consultant explains how to follow up with the admissions office.
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Photo of a man behind a maze

Make a Good Impression In Your College Admissions Interview

As part of a continuing series on nailing the college admissions interview, Mark offers some tips on how to make a good impression.
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Photo of a man behind a maze

Your Objectives for the College Admissions Interview

Mark continues his tips on how to nail the college admission interview by explaining the student's objective in preparing for admission.
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what looks good on a college application

Why Do Colleges Offer Admissions Interviews in the Application Process?

Interviews are an important element of the admissions process. In the first in a series of posts on nailing the admissions interview, Mark explains why colleges offer interviews in the application process.
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