Questions to Ask to Find a Good College Fit
I recently attended a college fair hosted by College That Change Lives. This group of 40 small colleges is selected by a non-profit organization originally
I recently attended a college fair hosted by College That Change Lives. This group of 40 small colleges is selected by a non-profit organization originally
FIND THE RIGHT FIT With over 3,000 colleges and universities in the US, how do I know which is the best match for me? With
Technorati Tags: U.S. News, choosing a college, college admission, ranking, selective colleges Del.icio.us Tags: U.S. News, choosing a college, college admission, ranking, selective colleges Furl Tags: U.S. News, choosing a college, college admission, ranking, selective colleges
An opinion piece by Jill Flury in the September issue of Edutopia calls for a redefinition of college prep tracks to include “emotional, social, and
A recent editorial in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram discusses the pros and cons of trying to prepare for the SAT in order to raise scores
I ran across this post at MedSchoolRocks. The post is a general introduction to the MCATs and is very helpful. The site, too, is a
The July/August issue of the Dartmouth Alumni Magazine contains an article about Karl Furstenberg. The retiring Dean of Admissions at Dartmouth. It’s an interesting look
The headline of an MSNBC article last week screams, “Typo On Your College Application May Get You In.” The insinuation is that if you make
The College Board reports that 2007 average scores on the SAT I exams dipped slightly, bringing them to the lowest level in 13 years. That’s
The Today Show reported last April that college admissions offices are rejecting applications in record numbers. The piece does a good job of demonstrating how