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Study Abroad Outcomes

Many students consider studying abroad in college long before they begin their undergraduate education. Many seek out a vibrant study abroad program when they are considering which school they will apply to. While students are excited about the prospect of living in a foreign country and learning about a new culture, parents are often concerned about additional cost and a possible disruption in their child’s education.
The Georgia Learning Outcomes of Students Studying Abroad Research Initiative, out of the University of Georgia, just released a study that may shed some light on the study abroad debate. According to an article on, GLOSSARI found that students who studied abroad, improved their academic performance when they returned to their home institution. They also had higher graduation rates, along with “improved knowledge of cultural practices and context compared to students in control groups.”
From my own personal experience, studying abroad can be a life changing experience.  Students are not only able to experience a different part of the world, but they may also discover a different part of themselves along the way.
If studying abroad is an essential component of your college search process, let us know.  We can certainly help you find schools with strong study abroad programs.
Katherine Price
Educational Consultant
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