Looking for a Weird Scholarship?
FastWeb announces its list of weird and wacky scholarships. Maybe one will be your ticket to college.
FastWeb announces its list of weird and wacky scholarships. Maybe one will be your ticket to college.
Can a good tweet earn you some money for college? Possibly.
How to study for the SAT by not studying.
High School Juniors should use the summer months to discover which test suits them better: the SAT or ACT.
Colleges have agendas. They have goals. They seek a diverse student population. Haverford Colleges seems to be meeting its goals.
When is a good time to begin studying for the SAT?
Considering an all women’s college? Bryn Mawr is gorgeous, and affords outstanding opportunities for women.
Looking for a medium sized public university in a great location? Consider the University of Delaware.
Should you avoid schools with a religious affiliation if you don’t ascribe to that religion? Not necessarily. Take the example of Muhlenberg.
Each of the Ivy League colleges is different. Watch this video to see what distinguishes Brown.