High GPA or Rigorous Courses? Think Academic Preparedness

As a college consultant, I continue to receive many questions about which is better: taking easier classes and getting a high GPA, or risk losing a few tenths of a point by taking rigorous classes.

I’ve started asking others their opinion on this matter. When I was at Millsaps College in Jackson, Mississippi, last week, I asked Mathew A. Cox, the Dean of Enrollment Management, how he would advise students.

It’s sometimes disappointing that in this whole admissions frenzy we lose sight of the goal. It’s about learning. It’s about training the mind. It’s about acquiring and using knowledge to solve the world’s pressing problems.

Mark Montgomery
College Counselor

GPA Explained–With Some Simple Advice

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One of my most popular posts is dedicated to explaining the difference between an unweighted and weighted GPA. It generated a lot of discussion (and continues to do so).

I thought I would take the opportunity to provide more clarity about how a GPA is used in the college admissions process.

But an initial word of caution is in order: the generalizations below must be treated as such. Many individual readers are looking for hard and fast rules about how their grades will be treated by admissions officers. The fact is, every case is different: different colleges, different students, different years…the number of variables is enormous. So use these general rules as your guides, not as gospel.

Your transcript is your number one most important document in the admissions process. This is the proverbial “permanent record,” at least as far as colleges are concerned. The courses you have taken and the grades you have earned tell a college most of what they need to know about you as a student. More than your test scores, more than your extracurriculars, more than your community service, and more than your teacher recommendations, your transcript documents your past and is a pretty good predictor of your academic future.

The rigor of the courses you take is as important as the grades you earn. If you hope to gain entry to the most competitive colleges in the country, you have to take the hardest courses offered and do well in them. So every student should take the most difficult courses they can handle—and get the best grades possible. See this post for more information on academic rigor vs. grades.

Your academic core courses count more than your non-academic electives. The GPA recorded on your transcript takes includes your performance in gym, choir, keyboarding, health, and the like. These courses may be required for graduation, but they are not usually part of the requirements for admission. College is not a vacation resort: it is an academic experience. So you will be judged on your academic performance in the core courses: math, science, English, social studies, and foreign language. See this post for more on calculating your core GPA.

If you take honors, Advanced Placement (AP), or International Baccalaureate (IB) courses, you may be given “extra credit” in your GPA to compensate for the rigor of these courses. Schools do this primarily to reward high performing students with a higher class rank (which is explained in this post). But an A is an A is an A.  If you get a B in an honors course, it is never the equivalent of an A in some other course. Don’t rationalize and try to convince yourself otherwise.

Colleges do look at grade trends, so if your transcript has some blotches on it, you always have an opportunity to make improvements. Bad grade in 9th grade life science? Do better in 10th grade chemistry. Colleges like to see students who pull themselves together and begin performing to potential. You will not be able to erase the stains, but you can make the overall picture more attractive.

So what’s the bottom line? Simple rules

  1. Take the hardest courses you can.
  2. Get good grades.
  3. Don’t rationalize poor performance.
  4. It’s never too late to get your academic act together.

Mark Montgomery
College Counselor

How to Calculate Your GPA–Letter Grades and Percentages

alumni interview questions for college admission

What does your GPA mean? What is your real GPA? What is your core GPA? How will your GPA be used in the college admissions process. This article helps you understand how your GPA may translate into percentages.

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Failing Grades at Community College: Will They Kill Me?

help text written on notebook

Sometimes people write with personal questions, seeking advice for their particular situation.

I received one today from a student at a community college who had a couple of failing grades.  Clearly, the student had finally woken up and figured out that getting Fs was not such a great idea.  But with that new understanding, what is a student to do about those Fs?

Here’s the student’s question:

I have 2 Fs in Math 090. This happened when i first started school at a community college. I didnt know how dropping classes worked and i got overwhelmed. Can i still graduate? Can i still go to a university?  Should i start over at another community college, and if i do is it possible that those two Fs will be discovered? 

And here is my response: 

Hi, and thanks for your inquiry.

With regard to graduating from your community college, you need to speak with a student advisor there.  I am sure they have academic counselors, and you should make an appointment with one to discuss your Fs.  The advisor can tell you what you need to do to graduate, as each college has its own rules.  You will likely have to retake the classes to make up the credit (if you haven’t already).  Do not be embarrassed.  What is, is.  You need to know how to proceed from here.

With regard to transferring to another community college, if you plan on transferring any of your current credits to that new college, your Fs will follow you. Unless you start completely over at square one, and do not divulge that you have already attended a college, your Fs will follow you.
I do not recommend this option for ethical reasons.  While it’s not good to fail, it’s worse to lie about it.  Fortunately, you live in the land of Second Chances.

From this point forward, what counts is how you respond to this mistake. If you retake Math 090 and get a good grade–maybe even an A (because you take advantage of every tutoring service and academic support system at your junior college, and you study like crazy)–then four-year colleges may be inclined to overlook your mistakes.  Now, you may not get into Stanford. But with good recommendations, a solid record of success since those dreaded Fs, and other good works in other aspects of your life, you can make a convincing case that you have matured, that you have learned the required mathematics, and that you have made up for your youthful transgressions of the past.

I hope this is helpful.

Mark Montgomery
Montgomery Educational Consulting