AP Scores and College Admissions

Student writing a college admissions essay

Do AP Scores Matter for College Admissions?

When it comes to navigating high school and preparing for college, there are a million decisions you have to make, including your approach to AP scores. As you probably know, the AP in AP scores stands for ‘advanced placement.’ It should be no surprise, then, that AP courses and AP exams can be challenging. When trying to decide whether to take an AP course and the corresponding exam, it’s natural to wonder: do AP scores matter for college admissions? It’s important to weigh the pros and cons of taking challenging courses as you navigate AP scores and college admissions.

The importance of AP scores for college admissions

The cons of taking AP courses and exams are simple. Taking harder courses might lower your GPA, and the time you’ll spend doing homework and studying for the AP exams might take away from time you could spend doing other things, like studying for the SAT, investing in extracurriculars, or just relaxing and enjoying high school. That being said, strong AP scores do matter for college admissions. They matter even more for those more selective colleges and universities,

AP courses show that you like a challenge

College is hard! Colleges want to see that you can rise to challenge. Taking AP courses, sitting for those AP exams, and getting strong AP scores an show admissions officers, especially those at highly selective colleges and universities, that you take your studies seriously.

Strong AP scores demonstrate your ability to do well in college-level work

While taking AP classes shows that you like a challenge, scoring high on the test demonstrates that you are prepared to succeed in college level work. Highly selective colleges will look for AP scores of fours and fives as evidence that you’ll be prepared once you get on campus. If you can get high AP scores in a variety of subjects, like AP calculus and AP US history, for example, that’s even better.

High AP scores demonstrate tenacity

Colleges know that getting a high AP score isn’t something that just happens. You have to work all year long to learn the material and study for the test. As if that’s not bad enough, you have to actually take the test in May, just as the weather is getting warm and you want to be anywhere but school. Reporting high AP scores on your application shows that you can keep your head in the game for a long time. Those strong AP scores show that you can persist, even when faced with a challenge.

AP scores and international universities

High AP scores can be even more important for American students who want to go to college in another country. (Note that this is not the same as enrolling in an American college or university and then studying abroad for a semester or two. This is for students who will apply directly to a school in another country and then plan to attend that school for their entire undergraduate career.) 

Schools in other countries will often use your AP scores to evaluate you for admission because they know that AP scores are standardized across the country. It makes it easier for admissions offices that aren’t as familiar with the American secondary education system to have an idea of what they’re looking at! If you think you might be interested in studying in, say, Scotland or Australia, it is extra advisable to take AP courses and study hard for the exams. That way, you’ll have strong AP scores to show for yourself. 

Course placement and course credit

AP scores have a role to play beyond simply helping you get in to college. Once you’re enrolled at your chosen institution, high AP scores can impact what classes you’re eligible to take. Some colleges or universities will accept a high AP score to satisfy a core requirement. So for example, if a college as a requirement of one math course in order to graduate, and you got a five on the AP calculus exam, you may be able to show that AP score and skip having to take that math class in college. 

Sometimes, colleges won’t accept AP scores for course credit, but they still might use your high AP scores to indicate course placement. So for example, let’s say you got a five on the AP Spanish test. Your college might still require you to take Spanish to graduate, but instead of making you start at Spanish 101, they’ll see your AP score and allow you to start at a higher level. It is very important to note that different colleges have different policies when it comes to AP scores. The best way to know for sure what your college’s policies are is to call the college!

Need more advice on your college applications?

The team at Great College Advice has deep experience in guiding students along the road from high school college. We provide individually tailored, one-on-one advising to help young people achieve their educational ambitions. If you’d like more information about our services, contact us for a free consultation. Or just pick up the phone and call us at 720.279.7577.  We’d be happy to chat with you.

An internship for my college application

International Applicants

Do I need an internship for my college application? 

We get questions all the time: do I need an internship for my college application? It’s time to talk frankly about whether internships really are vital for our kids. And my basic answer? They are not at all vital. A good high school internship could be helpful. But a run-of-the-mill internship might not be helpful at all. 

Let’s examine the reasons why you might be asking, do I need an internship for my college application. 

An internship as an introduction to the world of work before the college application

It’s true that an internship for a college application might also have the benefit of giving a young person an introduction to a professional work environment. In today’s economy, and with college costing so much these days, we want to be sure that our kids are ready upon college graduation to dive into the workforce and begin to make a living. But is an internship the best way to make this introduction?  

The alternative is for our kids to get a job. A paycheck. Money that can help pay for college. Of course, the jobs that teens can get these days are limited to things like food service, landscaping, and other manual labor. Some might work in customer service or do some data entry. Not very glamorous stuff. But they learn responsibility, punctuality, and honesty. In the service industry, they learn to deal with the public.

Some of my students with the best overall educational outcomes were kids who held jobs during high school. One worked 20 hours per week at an In-N-Out Burger, eventually rising to become an assistant manager before she applied to college. Another young man began mowing lawns to pay for his car insurance, and then ended up building an actual enterprise with two other kids working for him while he went to summer camp. 

And the paychecks teens earn mean more than just the money. They mean independence. Empowerment. Motivation. These are the sorts of attributes that not only spell success on the college application. They spell success for life.

An internship to explore career paths before the college application

Again, college is expensive, and we want to make sure our kids are making the right educational decisions that will optimize their earning potential after graduation. Part of the calculus for getting an internship for the college application is to help kids narrow down their professional choices, thereby focusing their educational decisions more narrowly and more carefully. 

While it can be helpful to narrow things down, the irony is that the American higher education system traditionally is not set up to narrow a young person’s options, but to broaden them. In the UK and its “legacy educational systems” (like India), in China, and in other parts of Europe, the educational system creates a gradual narrowing of professional options, such that by age fourteen, career paths are generally mapped out, and by age eighteen, the student will choose a single subject on which to focus while in university. 

The traditional liberal arts curriculum of the Ivy League and other top-tier universities is constructed to expand intellectual—and professional—options. General education or distributive requirements enable students to create a multidisciplinary foundation of knowledge, while electives allow students to explore new domains of knowledge and allow their curiosity free reign to learn new and different subjects and be introduced to ideas and theories outside their academic focus that we call the “major”. 

Of course, it depends on what the internship in question is. If the internship is to explore a career path, well, that could be helpful. However, keep in mind that this may be at odds with an education system designed to allow students to broaden their career options before narrowing them.

Will an internship for my college application be more competitive? 

Many people assume that an internship will make a college application more competitive. This is not necessarily true. On the college application, what matters is not what company the student interned for, what their title was, or who they were reporting to or working with. What matters is what a student was able to accomplishWhat is a student actually doing during their internship? Are they making tea? Are they following the CEO around, sitting in on meetings while doodling on a scratch piece of paper? If they’re actually doing something substantive, that could be great. And sometimes they do, but that is not the most common case scenario.

Keep in mind that companies have other things to do besides investing time and effort fostering a meaningful experience for a teenager. Most of the time, internships are menial grunt work. Now, if a student has a specific idea of what career they might want to pursue, they may be in a position to trade grunt work for a behind-the-scenes, in-depth understanding of their prospective career field. And they might be a personally useful experience. But, without the opportunity to actually accomplish something meaningful, internships do not enhance the competitiveness of a student’s college application as much as many people think they do.

Need more advice on your college applications?

The team at Great College Advice has deep experience in guiding students along the road from high school college. We provide individually tailored, one-on-one advising to help young people achieve their educational ambitions. If you’d like more information about our services, contact us for a free consultation. Or just pick up the phone and call us at 720.279.7577.  We’d be happy to chat with you.

Cómo postularse a universidades de EE. UU. desde México: una guía básica

Cómo postularse a universidades de EE. UU. desde México

Cada año, miles de estudiantes mexicanos eligen estudiar en el extranjero. Para aquellos interesados en cursar una licenciatura o maestría, los Estados Unidos de América son una excelente opción. Con tantas universidades increíbles, siempre existirá el entorno educativo adecuado para satisfacer las aspiraciones y necesidades únicas de su hijo. Sin embargo, postularse a estos programas puede desalentar a aquellos se encuentran fuera de los EE. UU. Great College Advice es un equipo líder de asesores de admisiones universitarias que ayudan a los estudiantes internacionales y a sus familias a navegar por el proceso de admisión universitaria en los Estados Unidos. 


Pasos clave para postularse a universidades de EE. UU. desde México

Investigue el interés educativo de su estudiante

El primer paso para ser aceptado en una universidad estadounidense es la investigación. ¿Qué tipo de educación le interesa a su hijo? Centrarse en la especialización que más les interese es importante porque no todas las universidades de EE. UU. ofrecen las mismas especializaciones. Además, tenga en cuenta otras preferencias, como la ubicación geográfica, el tamaño de la universidad y la proporción de profesores por estudiante. Los asesores profesionales de admisiones universitarias de Great College Advice pueden ayudar a elegir las universidades con el entorno adecuado para que coincida con los intereses y preferencias educativas de su estudiante. 

Contrata a un asesor de Admisiones Universitarias

Ahora que su familia sabe ya tiene una idea, contratar a un consejero de admisiones universitarias es el siguiente paso. En Great College Advice, nuestros consejeros de admisiones son expertos en el proceso de admisión. Ya sea que esté buscando crear un enfoque estratégico general, encontrar la mejor combinación para los intereses de su hijo o apuntar a las universidades más competitivas de los EE. UU., Great College Advice puede adaptar un plan de admisión universitaria a esas necesidades específicas. Desde la creación de una lista de universidades hasta el desarrollo de una estrategia de solicitud y la redacción del ensayo perfecto, ¡estaremos con su familia en cada paso del camino!

Iniciar el proceso de solicitud

Con la ayuda de su asesor de admisiones, puede reducir las principales opciones de universidades de EE. UU. de su estudiante y comenzar el proceso de solicitud. El proceso de solicitud implica varios pasos críticos:

Pruebas estandarizadas

Según los requisitos de la universidad, es posible que el estudiante deba tomar uno o más exámenes estandarizados como el SAT, ACT, TOEFL o IELTS. Nuestros expertos pueden ayudar a su estudiante a prepararse adecuadamente mediante la creación de una estrategia de evaluación estandarizada.

Ensayos personales

Algunas universidades no requieren un ensayo, mientras que otras pueden requerir hasta cinco. Los ensayos personales pueden mostrar las cualidades, experiencias y motivaciones únicas de su hijo para estudiar en los EE. UU. Great College Advice ofrece una variedad de paquetes de ensayos para garantizar que su estudiante obtenga la mejor ayuda posible al elaborar ensayos para las universidades de su elección. 

Cartas de recomendación

Asegure tener cartas de recomendación escritas por maestros o profesionales que puedan dar fe de los atributos académicos y personales de su hijo.

Formularios de solicitud

Complete los formularios de solicitud para cada universidad a la que su estudiante se esté inscribiendo. Preste mucha atención a los plazos y a los documentos requeridos. Un buen consejo universitario puede ayudar a eliminar el estrés y a hacer que su hijo esté un paso adelante de los plazos.

Documentación Financiera

Prepárese para presentar pruebas de recursos financieros, ya que las universidades requerirán documentación que respalde que su hijo puede cubrir la matrícula y los gastos de manutención.


¿Cómo obtener una visa de estudiante para EE. UU. desde México?

Para los estudiantes en México que sean admitidos en una universidad estadounidense, necesitarán una visa F-1 para ingresar a los Estados Unidos. La visa F-1 permite a los estudiantes académicos ingresar a los EE. UU. como estudiantes de tiempo completo en una universidad, colegio, seminario, conservatorio, escuela primaria, escuela secundaria académica u otra institución académica acreditada o en un programa de capacitación en idiomas. Los estudiantes deben estar inscritos activamente en un curso de estudio o programa que emitan a su finalización un diploma, un título o un certificado. Además, el gobierno de los EE. UU. debe autorizar previamente a la escuela a aceptar estudiantes internacionales. Es importante tener en cuenta que la visa F-1 es solo temporal y no debe considerarse una visa de residencia permanente. 

Criterios de elegibilidad para la visa F-1

  • Ser aceptado en una escuela aprobada por el Programa de Estudiantes y Visitantes de Intercambio (SEVP, por sus siglas en inglés) en los Estados Unidos.
  • Proporcionar fondos financieros suficientes para apoyar su tiempo en los Estados Unidos.
  • Su hijo debe ser un estudiante de tiempo completo en la institución.
  • Los estudiantes deben estar inscritos en cursos que conduzcan al dominio del inglés, a menos que ya dominen el inglés.
  • Su estudiante debe poder demostrar la intención de regresar a su país de origen una vez que complete su educación en los Estados Unidos. Una vez más, la visa F-1 es solo una visa temporal.

Requisitos para la Visa F-1

  • Pasaporte válido
  • Formulario DS-160 solicitud de visa de no inmigrante
  • Formulario 1-20: la universidad en la que te matricules te proporcionará este formulario. Indica la cantidad de fondos necesarios para su educación en los EE. UU. El formulario también solicitará documentos de respaldo, como registros de impuestos, talones de pago o estados de cuenta bancarios. 
  • Comprobante de seguro médico
  • Carta de aceptación de la universidad

Una lista de viaje esencial

¡Estudiar en el extranjero en los Estados Unidos es una aventura emocionante! Una vez que su hijo esté inscrito en su universidad y tenga todos sus documentos en orden, necesitará algunos elementos esenciales para el viaje. Aquí hay una lista de verificación de cosas importantes para enviar con su estudiante a los Estados Unidos:


  • Seguro de salud: Puede ser un desafío estar lejos de casa, así que debes asegurarte de que lleven documentos de seguro de salud en caso de que necesiten atención médica. Si necesitan seguro médico, consulte con la universidad; Es posible que puedan ayudar.
  • Plan telefónico internacional: asegúrese de que puedan comunicarse con usted mientras está fuera del país.
  • Cuenta bancaria: Averigüe cómo podrán acceder a los fondos mientras están en el extranjero.
  • Copias de documentos importantes: Asegúrese de copiar documentos de difícil acceso fuera de México, como su pasaporte.
  • Ropa de temporada: Su nuevo hogar en la universidad puede estar en un clima diferente al que están acostumbrados. ¡Asegúrate de planificar con anticipación y empacar la ropa adecuada!
  • Espíritu de aventura: Ser aceptado en una universidad de EE. UU. es un gran logro. ¡Despídelos con tu bendición y apoyo mientras se embarcan en una nueva y emocionante aventura!

¡Embarquémonos juntos en tu viaje universitario!

Great College Advice ofrece servicios de asesoramiento integrales y personalizados a estudiantes de todo el mundo, incluido México. Estas son algunas de nuestras excepcionales ofertas de servicios:

Sesión de Planificación de la Hoja de Ruta

Nuestro equipo recopila de manera eficiente y efectiva la información más pertinente de los estudiantes y sus familias. Una vez que analizamos esta información, desarrollamos una estrategia personalizada para que el estudiante  tenga éxito en el proceso de admisión a la universidad. 

Planificación y Asesoramiento de Admisiones Universitarias

Ofrecemos cuatro paquetes todo incluido de servicios de planificación universitaria. 

  • Paquete Essentials: para familias que desean una base sólida y alguna orientación estratégica
  • El Paquete Premium: para familias de alumnos de 10º y 11º grado
  • El Paquete Elite: para estudiantes de 8º grado en adelante que aspiran a las escuelas más selectivas
  • El Paquete Senior: para estudiantes de último año del proceso universitario

Entrenamiento intensivo de preparación

Su hijo recibirá asesoramiento y tutoría individual para la admisión  a la universidad para ayudarlo a alcanzar un alto nivel de excelencia. 

Guía de Ensayos Universitarios

¡Ofrecemos tres excelentes opciones de paquetes de ensayos para garantizar que su hijo obtenga el tipo exacto de ayuda que necesita para redactar ensayos!

Ventajas de trabajar con asesores universitarios de EE. UU.

Cuando trabajas con Great College Advice, obtienes asesoramiento profesional que se adapta a las necesidades, habilidades y aspiraciones específicas de tu estudiante. Nuestro enfoque holístico garantiza que la universidad que elijas sea la adecuada. ¡El asesoramiento que brindamos ha hecho que el 97% de nuestros estudiantes sea aceptado dentro de las tres mejores universidades de su elección! Conectarse con nosotros es fácil. Podemos brindar asesoramiento a través de tecnología de teleconferencia, teléfono, correo electrónico y nuestra plataforma web. Si desea obtener más información, póngase en contacto con nosotros para una consulta gratuita hoy mismo.

How to Apply for US Universities From Mexico: Your Helpful Guide

Cómo postularse a universidades de EE. UU. desde México

Every year, thousands of students from Mexico choose to study abroad. For those interested in pursuing an undergraduate or master’s degree, the United States of America is an excellent option. With so many incredible universities, you can find the right educational environment to meet your child’s unique aspirations and needs. However, applying to these programs can be daunting for those outside the US. Great College Advice is a leading team of university admissions consultants who assist international students and their families with navigating the university admissions process in the United States. 

Key Steps for Applying to US Universities From Mexico

Research Your Student’s Educational Interest

The first step to acceptance at a US university is research. What type of education is your child interested in pursuing? Focusing on the major they’re most interested in pursuing is important because not all US universities offer the same majors. Also, consider other preferences, such as geographic location, university size, and faculty/student ratios. The professional university admissions counselors at Great College Advice can help uncover the universities with the right environment to match your student’s educational interests and preferences. 

Hire a University Admissions Counselor

Now that your family knows what they hope to find, hiring a university admissions counselor is the next step. At Great College Advice, our admissions counselors are experts in the admissions process. Whether you’re looking to create a general strategic approach, find the best match for your student’s interests, or aim for the most competitive universities in the US, Great College Advice can tailor a university admissions plan for those specific needs. From building a university list to developing an application strategy to writing the perfect essay, we’ll be with your family every step of the way!

Start the Application Process

With the help of your admissions counselor, you can narrow down your student’s top US university choices and begin the application process. The application process involves several critical steps:

Standardized Testing

Depending on the university’s requirements, your student may need to take one or more standardized tests like the SAT, ACT, TOEFL, or IELTS. Our experts can help your student prepare properly by creating a standardized testing strategy. 

Personal Essays

Some universities don’t require an essay, while some may require as many as five! Personal essays can showcase your child’s unique qualities, experiences, and motivations for studying in the U.S. Great College Advice offers a range of essay-only packages to ensure your student gets the best help possible when crafting essays for the universities of their choice. 

Recommendation Letters 

Secure recommendation letters from teachers or professionals who can attest to your child’s academic and personal attributes. 

Application Forms

Complete the application forms for each university your student is applying to. Pay close attention to deadlines and required documents. Great College Advice can help eliminate stress by keeping your child on track so that they stay ahead of deadlines.

Financial Documentation

Prepare to submit proof of financial resources, as universities will require evidence that your child can cover the tuition and living expenses.


How to Get a Student Visa for USA from Mexico

For students in Mexico who gain admission into a US university, you’ll need an F-1 visa to enter the United States. The F-1 visa allows academic students to enter the US as full-time students at an accredited university, college, seminary, conservatory, elementary school, academic high school, or other academic institution or in a language training program. Students must be actively enrolled in a course of study or program that culminates in a diploma, degree, or certificate. Also, the US government must authorize the school to accept international students. It’s important to note that the F-1 visa is only temporary and should not be considered a permanent residency visa. 

Qualify For the F-1 Visa 

  • Get accepted to a Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP)-approved school in the United States. 
  • Provide sufficient financial funds to support their time in the United States. 
  • Your child must be a full-time student at the institution.
  • Students must be enrolled in courses that lead to English proficiency unless they are already proficient in English.
  • Your student must be able to prove an intent to return to their home country once their education is completed in the United States. Again, the F-1 visa is only a temporary visa. 

Requirements for the F-1 Visa

  • Valid Passport
  • Form DS-160 nonimmigrant visa application
  • Form 1-20: the university you enroll in will supply you with this form. It states the amount of funds needed for your education in the US. The form will also ask for supporting documents, such as tax records, pay stubs, or bank statements. 
  • Proof of health insurance
  • University acceptance letter

An Essential Travel Checklist

Studying abroad in the United States will be a thrilling adventure! Once your child is enrolled in their university and has all their documents in order, they need some essential items for the journey. Here is a checklist of important things to send with your student to the United States:

  • Health Insurance: It can be challenging being far from home, so you want to ensure they carry health insurance documents should they need medical attention. If they need health insurance, check in with the university; they may be able to help.
  • International Phone Plan: Ensure they can reach you while out of the country. 
  • Bank Account: Find out how they’ll be able to access funds while abroad. 
  • Copies of Important Documents: Be sure to copy documents that are difficult to access outside of Mexico, such as their passport.
  • Seasonal Clothes: Their new home at the university may be in a different climate than they’re accustomed to. Be sure to plan ahead and pack the right clothes!
  • Spirit of Adventure: Being accepted into a US university is a big accomplishment. Send them off with your blessing and support as they embark on a new, exciting adventure! 

Let’s Embark On Your University Journey Together!

Great College Advice offers comprehensive, personalized counseling services to students worldwide, including Mexico. Here are some of our exceptional service offerings: 

Road Map Planning Session

Our team efficiently and effectively gathers the most pertinent information from students and their families. Once we analyze this information, we develop a personalized strategy to put your student in a position to succeed in the university admissions process. 

University Admissions Planning and Advising

We offer four all-inclusive packages of university planning services. 

  • Essentials Package: for families who want a strong foundation and some strategic guidance
  • The Premium Package: for families of 10th and 11th graders
  • The Elite Package: for students in 8th grade and up who are aiming for the most selective schools
  • The Senior Package: for students in the final year of the university process

Intensive Prep Coaching

Your child will receive one-on-one university admissions coaching and mentoring to help them achieve a high level of excellence. 

University Essay Guidance 

We offer three great essay package options to ensure your child gets the exact type of essay help they need!


Advantages of Working with U.S. University Advisors 

When you work with Great College Advice, you get professional counseling that fits your student’s specific needs, abilities, and aspirations. Our holistic approach ensures that the university you choose is the right fit. The counsel we provide has given 97% of our students placement within the top three universities of their choice! Connecting with us is easy. We can provide counsel via teleconferencing technology, phone, email, and our web-based platform. If you’d like to learn more, contact us for a free consultation today!

Solicitar el ingreso a universidades estadounidenses desde Perú: Una guía paso a paso

Solicitar el ingreso a universidades estadounidenses desde Perú

Cada año, miles de estudiantes de Perú eligen estudiar en el extranjero. Estados Unidos es una excelente opción para aquellas personas interesadas en cursar una licenciatura o maestría. Hay muchísimas universidades increíbles así que es muy probable que encuentres el entorno educativo adecuado que cumpla con las aspiraciones y las necesidades de tu hijo/a. Sin embargo, la solicitud de ingreso a estos programas puede resultar intimidante para quienes están fuera de los Estados Unidos. Great College Advice es un equipo de asesores de admisiones universitarias muy destacado y su tarea es ayudar a estudiantes internacionales y a sus familias a navegar por el proceso de admisión en universidades estadounidenses. 


¿Cómo inscribirse desde Perú? 

Investiga los intereses educativos del estudiante

El primer paso para ser aceptado en una universidad estadounidense es la investigación. ¿Qué tipo de educación le interesa a tu hijo/a? Es muy importante centrarse en la especialización que más le interese porque no todas las universidades estadounidenses ofrecen las mismas especialidades. Además, hay que tener en cuenta otras preferencias, como la ubicación geográfica, el tamaño de la universidad y la cantidad de profesores por estudiantes. Los asesores profesionales de admisiones universitarias en Great College Advice pueden ayudarte a descubrir la universidad que tenga el entorno más adecuado para los intereses educativos y las preferencias del estudiante.

Contrata a un asesor de admisiones universitarias

Ahora que su familia sabe lo que necesita, el siguiente paso es contratar a un asesor de admisiones universitarias. En Great College Advice, nuestros asesores de admisiones son expertos en el proceso. Great College Advice puede personalizar un plan de admisión universitaria para cubrir necesidades específicas, ya sea que esté buscando desarrollar un enfoque estratégico general, o una combinación ideal para los intereses del estudiante o quizás esté buscando apuntar a las universidades más competitivas de los EE. UU. Ya sea creando una lista de universidades, desarrollando una estrategia de solicitud o redactando el ensayo perfecto, ¡estaremos con su familia en cada paso del camino!

Iniciar el proceso de solicitud

Con la ayuda de su asesor de admisiones, va a poder acotar las principales opciones de universidades de EE. UU. de su estudiante y comenzar el proceso de solicitud. El proceso de solicitud tiene varios pasos fundamentales:

Pruebas estandarizadas

Según los requisitos de la universidad, es posible que su estudiante deba tomar uno o más exámenes estandarizados como el SAT, ACT, TOEFL o IELTS. Nuestros expertos pueden ayudar al estudiante a prepararse adecuadamente creando una estrategia de evaluación estandarizada.

Ensayos personales

Algunas universidades no requieren ensayos, pero existen otras que pueden requerir hasta cinco. Los ensayos personales muestran las cualidades, experiencias y motivaciones que tiene su hijo para estudiar en los EE. UU. Great College Advice ofrece una variedad de paquetes de ensayos para garantizar que su estudiante reciba la mejor asesoría posible al elaborar ensayos para universidades.

Cartas de recomendación

Procura tener cartas de recomendación de maestros o profesionales que puedan dar fe de los atributos académicos y personales de su hijo.

Formularios de solicitud

Complete los formularios de solicitud para cada universidad a la que su estudiante se esté inscribiendo. Preste mucha atención a los plazos y a los documentos requeridos. Great College Advice puede ayudar a eliminar el estrés que conllevan estos procesos y le abre camino al estudiante para que tome las decisiones correctas y se adelante al proceso. 

Documentación Financiera

Prepárese para presentar pruebas de recursos financieros, ya que las universidades requerirán documentación que justifique que su hijo puede cubrir la matrícula y los gastos de manutención.


Requisitos de visa de estudiante de Perú para EE. UU.

Los estudiantes en Perú que sean admitidos en una universidad de los Estados Unidos, necesitaran una visa F-1 para ingresar a los Estados Unidos. La visa F-1 permite a los estudiantes académicos ingresar a los EE. UU. como estudiantes de tiempo completo en una universidad, colegio, seminario, conservatorio, escuela primaria, escuela secundaria académica, en cualquier otra institución académica acreditada o en un programa de capacitación en idiomas. Los estudiantes deben tener una inscripción activa en cualquier curso de estudios o programa que emita un diploma, un título o un certificado en su finalización. Además, el gobierno de los EE. UU. debe autorizar a la escuela a tomar estudiantes internacionales. Es importante tener en cuenta que la visa F-1 es solo temporal y no se debe considerar una visa de residencia permanente.

Requisitos de elegibilidad para la visa F-1

  • Ser aceptado en una escuela aprobada por el Programa de Estudiantes y Visitantes de Intercambio (SEVP, por sus siglas en inglés) en los Estados Unidos.
  • Proporcionar fondos suficientes para sustentar su tiempo en los Estados Unidos.
  • Su hijo debe ser un estudiante de tiempo completo en la institución.
  • Los estudiantes deben estar inscritos en cursos que conduzcan al dominio del inglés a menos que ya dominen el inglés.
  • El estudiante debe poder demostrar la intención de regresar a su país de origen una vez que complete su educación en los Estados Unidos. Reiteramos, la visa F-1 es solo una visa temporal.

Requisitos para la Visa F-1

  • Pasaporte válido
  • Formulario DS-160 de solicitud de visa de no inmigrante
  • Formulario 1-20: la universidad en la que te matricules le proporcionará este formulario. Indique la cantidad de fondos necesarios para su educación en los EE. UU. El formulario también solicitará documentos de respaldo, como registros de impuestos, talones de pago o estados de cuenta bancarios. 
  • Comprobante de seguro médico
  • Carta de aceptación de la universidad

Una checklist de viaje antes de viajar

¡Estudiar en el extranjero en los Estados Unidos es una aventura emocionante! Una vez que su hijo esté inscrito en su universidad y tenga todos sus documentos en orden, necesitará algunos elementos esenciales para el viaje. Aquí hay una lista de cosas importantes que el estudiante tendrá que tener en los Estados Unidos:

  1. Seguro de salud: Es un desafío estar lejos de casa, así debes asegurarte que tengan los documentos de seguro de salud, por si necesitan atención médica. Si necesitan seguro médico, consulte con la universidad; quizás puedan ayudar.
  2. Plan telefónico internacional: asegúrese de que puedan comunicarse con usted mientras esté fuera del país.
  3. Cuenta bancaria: Averigüe cómo acceder a los fondos mientras esté en el extranjero.
  4. Copias de documentos importantes: Asegúrese de realizar copias de documentos de difícil acceso fuera del Perú, como su pasaporte, por ejemplo. 
  5. Ropa de temporada: Su nuevo hogar en la universidad puede tener un clima distinto al que están acostumbrados. ¡Asegúrate de planificar con anticipación y de empacar la ropa adecuada!
  6. Espíritu de aventura: Ser aceptado en una universidad de EE. UU. es un gran logro. ¡Despídelos con total aceptación y apoyo a esta nueva y emocionante aventura!

¡Estamos en cada paso del camino!

Great College Advice ofrece servicios de asesoramiento integrales y personalizados a estudiantes de todo el mundo, incluido Perú. Estas son algunas de nuestras ofertas de servicios:


Planificación de Hoja de Ruta – Sesión

Nuestro equipo recopila de manera eficiente y efectiva la información más pertinente de los estudiantes y sus familias. Una vez que analicemos esta información, desarrollaremos una estrategia personalizada para que el estudiante sea admitido en la universidad. 

Planificación y Asesoramiento de Admisiones Universitarias

Ofrecemos cuatro paquetes todo incluido de servicios de planificación universitaria. 

  1. Paquete Essentials: para familias que desean una base sólida y alguna orientación estratégica
  2. El Paquete Premium: para familias con alumnos de 10º y 11º grado
  3. El Paquete Elite: para estudiantes de 8º grado en adelante que aspiran a ingresar en las universidades más selectivas
  4. El Paquete Senior: para estudiantes en el último año del proceso universitario

Entrenamiento intensivo de preparación

Su hijo recibirá asesoramiento y tutoría individual para la admisión a la universidad y lo ayudaremos a alcanzar un alto nivel de excelencia. 

Guía de Ensayos Universitarios

¡Ofrecemos tres excelentes opciones de paquetes de ensayos para garantizar que su hijo obtenga la ayuda que necesita para escribir ensayos!

Ventajas de trabajar con asesores universitarios de EE. UU.

Cuando trabajas con Great College Advice, obtienes un asesoramiento profesional que se adapta a las necesidades, habilidades y aspiraciones del estudiante. Nuestro enfoque holístico garantiza que la universidad que elijas sea la adecuada. ¡El asesoramiento que brindamos ha logrado que el 97% de nuestros estudiantes encuentre su lugar dentro de las tres mejores universidades elegidas! Conectarse con nosotros es fácil. Podemos brindar asesoramiento a través de videollamadas, teléfono, correo electrónico y a través de nuestra plataforma web. Si desea obtener más información, póngase en contacto con nosotros para una consulta gratuita.

Applying to US Universities from Peru: A Step-by-Step Guide

Solicitar el ingreso a universidades estadounidenses desde Perú

Every year, thousands of students from Peru choose to study abroad. For those interested in pursuing an undergraduate or master’s degree, the United States of America is an excellent option. With so many incredible universities, you can find the right educational environment to meet your child’s unique aspirations and needs. However, applying to these programs can be daunting for those outside the US. Great College Advice is a leading team of university admissions consultants who assist international students and their families with navigating the university admissions process in the United States. 


How to Apply for US Universities from Peru

Research Your Student’s Educational Interest

The first step to acceptance at a US university is research. What type of education is your child interested in pursuing? Focusing on the major they’re most interested in pursuing is important because not all US universities offer the same majors. Also, consider other preferences, such as geographic location, university size, and faculty/student ratios. The professional university admissions counselors at Great College Advice can help uncover the universities with the right environment to match your student’s educational interests and preferences. 

Hire a University Admissions Counselor

Now that your family knows what they hope to find, hiring a university admissions counselor is the next step. At Great College Advice, our admissions counselors are experts in the admissions process. Whether you’re looking to create a general strategic approach, find the best match for your student’s interests, or aim for the most competitive universities in the US, Great College Advice can tailor a university admissions plan for those specific needs. From building a university list to developing an application strategy to writing the perfect essay, we’ll be with your family every step of the way!

Start the Application Process

With the help of your admissions counselor, you can narrow down your student’s top US university choices and begin the application process. The application process involves several critical steps:

Standardized Testing

Depending on the university’s requirements, your student may need to take one or more standardized tests like the SAT, ACT, TOEFL, or IELTS. Our experts can help your student prepare properly by creating a standardized testing strategy. 

Personal Essays

Some universities don’t require an essay, while some may require as many as five! Personal essays can showcase your child’s unique qualities, experiences, and motivations for studying in the U.S. Great College Advice offers a range of essay-only packages to ensure your student gets the best help possible when crafting essays for the universities of their choice. 

Recommendation Letters 

Secure recommendation letters from teachers or professionals who can attest to your child’s academic and personal attributes. 

Application Forms

Complete the application forms for each university your student is applying to. Pay close attention to deadlines and required documents. Great College Advice can help eliminate stress by keeping your child on track so that they stay ahead of deadlines.

Financial Documentation

Prepare to submit proof of financial resources, as universities will require evidence that your child can cover the tuition and living expenses.


Peru Student Visa Requirements for USA

For students in Peru who gain admission into a US university, you’ll need an F-1 visa to enter the United States. The F-1 visa allows academic students to enter the US as full-time students at an accredited university, college, seminary, conservatory, elementary school, academic high school, or other academic institution or in a language training program. Students must be actively enrolled in a course of study or program that culminates in a diploma, degree, or certificate. Also, the US government must authorize the school to accept international students. It’s important to note that the F-1 visa is only temporary and should not be considered a permanent residency visa. 

Qualify For the F-1 Visa 

  • Get accepted to a Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP)-approved school in the United States. 
  • Provide sufficient financial funds to support their time in the United States. 
  • Your child must be a full-time student at the institution.
  • Students must be enrolled in courses that lead to English proficiency unless they are already proficient in English.
  • Your student must be able to prove an intent to return to their home country once their education is completed in the United States. Again, the F-1 visa is only a temporary visa. 

Requirements for the F-1 Visa

  • Valid Passport
  • Form DS-160 nonimmigrant visa application
  • Form 1-20: the university you enroll in will supply you with this form. It states the amount of funds needed for your education in the US. The form will also ask for supporting documents, such as tax records, pay stubs, or bank statements. 
  • Proof of health insurance
  • University acceptance letter

A Travel Checklist Before You Go

Studying abroad in the United States will be a thrilling adventure! Once your child is enrolled in their university and has all their documents in order, they need some essential items for the journey. Here is a checklist of important things to send with your student to the United States:

  • Health Insurance: It can be challenging being far from home, so you want to ensure they carry health insurance documents should they need medical attention. If they need health insurance, check in with the university; they may be able to help.
  • International Phone Plan: Ensure they can reach you while out of the country. 
  • Bank Account: Find out how they’ll be able to access funds while abroad. 
  • Copies of Important Documents: Be sure to copy documents that are difficult to access outside of Peru, such as their passport.
  • Seasonal Clothes: Their new home at the university may be in a different climate than they’re accustomed to. Be sure to plan ahead and pack the right clothes!
  • Spirit of Adventure: Being accepted into a US university is a big accomplishment. Send them off with your blessing and support as they embark on a new, exciting adventure! 

We’re Here for You Every Step of the Way!

Great College Advice offers comprehensive, personalized counseling services to students worldwide, including Peru. Here are some of our exceptional service offerings: 

Road Map Planning Session

Our team efficiently and effectively gathers the most pertinent information from students and their families. Once we analyze this information, we develop a personalized strategy to put your student in a position to succeed in the university admissions process. 

University Admissions Planning and Advising

We offer four all-inclusive packages of university planning services. 

  • Essentials Package: for families who want a strong foundation and some strategic guidance
  • The Premium Package: for families of 10th and 11th graders
  • The Elite Package: for students in 8th grade and up who are aiming for the most selective schools
  • The Senior Package: for students in the final year of the university process

Intensive Prep Coaching

Your child will receive one-on-one university admissions coaching and mentoring to help them achieve a high level of excellence. 

University Essay Guidance 

We offer three great essay package options to ensure your child gets the exact type of essay help they need!


Advantages of Working with U.S. University Advisors 

When you work with Great College Advice, you get professional counseling that fits your student’s specific needs, abilities, and aspirations. Our holistic approach ensures that the university you choose is the right fit. The counsel we provide has given 97% of our students placement within the top three universities of their choice! Connecting with us is easy. We can provide counsel via teleconferencing technology, phone, email, and our web-based platform. If you’d like to learn more, contact us for a free consultation today!

Choose a College After Being Accepted

As a spring semester senior, you’re probably wondering how to choose a college after being accepted. 

This can be super stressful! It’s a big decision, possibly the biggest single decision you’ve had to make up to this point in your life, and you want to be sure to get it right. So how do you choose a college after being accepted? We’ll go through some of the most important factors to consider so that you can take your next steps with confidence.

Remember what was important to you in choosing a college

When you were choosing which colleges to apply to, you may have made a list of which factors were most important to you. Is college price and affordability a top consideration? Is it important to you to have a college close to home? Do you want a college with Greek life or small classrooms? Revisit that list now to remind yourself which factors are most important to you. (If you never made a list like that, go ahead and do that now!) Then, you can look at your college options. Which of your options satisfies the most of your criteria? Is there a college that checks off your most important box but fails to fulfill your second and third most important criteria? Maybe one college satisfies all of your criteria somewhat, while another college satisfies some of your criteria very well and others not at all. You might create a rubric for yourself that looks something like this:

Across the top, list your most important criteria in order of most to least important. Then, try to give each college a grade out of five for each criteria.

Take a look at this example:


College Name Price Major: Underwater basket weaving Big sports culture Support for students with dyslexia
Fake State University 4 3 5 3
Happy Valley College 2 2 4 2
University of Big City 5 3 4 2

The student should drive this decision

It’s very important to make sure that you (the student) are the primary driver of this decision. You should be the one deciding what factors are the most important and doing research to give each college a grade in each area. However, this is a very big decision, and it has implications that will last well into your adult life. For that reason, it is also crucial to discuss these criteria in depth with your parents and/or other trusted adult figures. They’ll be able to give you insights into things like finances and careers that you may not have encountered yet. They may also be able to point out gaps or assumptions in your research or reasoning.

Now that we’ve gone over one basic method for assessing your college options, let’s take a look at some of the criteria or deciding factors that you might be weighing.

Finances: how to choose a college after being accepted based on the costs

It can actually be pretty tricky to figure out how much it will cost you to go to college. Luckily, if you’ve already been accepted to a school, you should also have been provided your financial aid award letter. There are a few parts of this letter that you’ll want to pay special attention to.

Cost of attendance

Remember that you’ll need to pay tuition and fees to the school. If you’re living on campus, you’ll also pay the school directly for your food and housing. These are your direct costs. But you’ll also need to pay for books, clothes, travel to and from campus, and a million other little expenses. These are your indirect costs. Your financial aid award letter should give you a breakdown of these estimated costs (while tuition is set for everyone, other costs, like travel to and from campus, will vary). Often colleges underestimate these costs: your cell phone alone might cost $400 per year. 

Make sure you are accounting for everything and leaving a cushion for those unexpected costs (like new tires on your car or a computer purchase if you have to hand in your high school tablet). These estimates might also underestimate costs when you are not actually in school–you will have about 20 weeks of holidays during the school year. How much money will you need to keep yourself alive during those times? So in thinking about the total costs of attendance, don’t just look at the tuition; you want to look at the part of the letter where they add up all those costs. This is the estimated cost of attendance: this is the actual cost for you to attend one year of college.

Discounts and scholarships from the school

Near where your financial aid award letter spells out your cost of attendance, it will also give you a breakdown of any financial aid the school is offering. Pay careful attention to the type of aid they’re offering. If they offer you a grant, that’s what we might also call a scholarship. That’s money you don’t have to pay back. Make sure to note if it’s renewable for four years or only good for one year. Other types of aid listed on this letter might include student loans. Be careful: while student loans can be a good and necessary way of financing your education, they are not really aid. That’s still your money; it’s just money you’ll have to pay back later (with interest).

Use your total estimated cost of attendance and your total financial aid to figure out what a school is actually going to be charging you every year.

Consider your sources of funding

Have you earned any outside scholarships? Does your family have some sort of college fund for you? Do you have personal savings? How much do your parents or other family members expect to be able to contribute to your education out of their income? This may not be a fun conversation to have, but it’s important to sit down with your parents or other family members and really understand what funding you have at your disposal. Remember that parents are emotional people. Sometimes they will offer to take out big loans to help you pay for college. Make sure you as a family really think twice about whether that’s the path you want to go down.

Understand how loans work

College in the United States is expensive, and most families have not saved up enough to pay for it. So many families will have to take out loans to finance a higher education. While debt can be a helpful way to finance an education, too much debt can be ruinous and can actually reduce future opportunities–even as a college education is supposed to expand those opportunities. So it’s important to really understand how loans work before you fill out those loan applications.  

How much money will you need to borrow, in total, for four years (don’t just think about your debt load for the first year–calculate it at least by four, and probably by five–because most students graduate in five years, not four)? What will your interest rate likely be? How does loan interest accrue? How much will your monthly payments probably be, and for how many years will you be paying this loan back? There are all sorts of loan calculators you can use to help you estimate what your monthly payments might look like down the road. 

Also remember that you have to pay off your loans before you’re able to pay rent on an apartment, buy a car (and put gas in it), buy Chinese take-out, or go on vacation. 

Talk to your parents about budgeting

So, have a conversation with your parents about budgeting. If you’ve never been responsible for household finances, you may be surprised to learn just how many bills adults have to pay every single month (rent/mortgage, phone, internet, electricity, car loan, health insurance, car insurance, just to name a few!). Once you have an understanding of how much it costs every month just to keep a roof over your head, your estimated monthly loan payment might start to mean something different to you.

Remember: you are not choosing a dream or a fantasy. You’re making a financial decision about your future, and it’s wise to crunch the numbers before moving ahead.

Academics: how to choose a college after being accepted based on academics

Again: you are choosing a school. It would be a mistake to move forward without seriously considering the academic experience you’ll get.

Your intended major or course of study

Does this school have the major(s) you’re interested in? Are these programs of study strong and well-funded at this school? If you’re not as confident of your major, does this school make it easy to explore majors and change your mind later? 

The general learning environment

Beyond the major that you’re interested in, you also want to evaluate the learning environment more generally. How big are the class sizes? Are professors generally known for being accessible? Does this school offer the type of support that you personally need (tutoring, support for students with learning disabilities, remedial math or study skills classes)?

Other academic opportunities

Does this school have robust opportunities outside of the classroom? These may include strong support for internships and study abroad; opportunities to conduct research or individualized projects; or specialized honors programs. Just as important as whether these programs exist is whether or not you personally will have the opportunity to participate in them. Let’s imagine that Big State University has one of the premier undergraduate research programs in the country. But every year 2500 kids apply to the program and it only accepts 100 of them. It doesn’t matter how perfect or amazing that research program is: if you’re not going to be able to participate in it, don’t factor it into your college decision.

Social and environmental factors

You are going to be deeply involved in this community for at least four years, so you want to make sure that this is a community where you’ll feel comfortable. Some factors you might want to consider include:

  • Does this school have an active population of whatever identity-based communities might be important to you? (This can include religious groups, ethnic groups, LGBT folks, etc)
  • Does this school have the type of activities you like to get involved in? (For example, if sailing is a very important part of your life, you might not want to choose a college in a landlocked state!)
  • Is sports culture something you want to be a part of? Or perhaps something you’re specifically hoping to avoid?
  • Do you want to be part of Greek life? Do you want to be on a campus that does not have any Greek life?

Post-graduation: how to choose a college after being accepted based support for after you graduate

Remember: the goal of college is not just to learn a lot and have fun over the course of four to six years. It’s to help launch you into a successful adulthood. You want your college to support you before, during, and after your transition out of college. Some questions to ask:

  • What sort of support is offered by the career center while you’re a student?
  • Can you still access the career center after you’ve graduated? (and if so, for how long?)
  • Does this school offer support programs for professional school applications (medical school, law school) or graduate school applications while you’re a student or after you’ve graduated?
  • What is the success rate of alumni from this school getting into the type of graduate or professional school you might be interested in? 
  • What kind of alumni network does this school have? How active is the alumni network? Does the school put on programming to support and grow the alumni network?

There are so many factors involved in how to choose a college after being accepted. Take your time. First, look within and try to figure out what’s most important to you. Then, use your resources (guidebooks, the internet, teachers, older friends who attend or graduated from a certain school, school visits) to try to figure out how well each of your options matches your criteria. This is a big decision, so take your time. But remember: a lot of your success and happiness in college depends less on where you go and more on what you do when you get there. So try to take a deep breath. No matter what you choose, ultimately, you get to be the one to make your college experience what you want it to be.

Need more advice on how to choose a college after being accepted, or on your college applications?

We can help you choose a college after being accepted. The team at Great College Advice has deep experience in guiding students along the road from high school college. We provide individually tailored, one-on-one advising to help young people achieve their educational ambitions. If you’d like more information about our services, contact us for a free consultation. Or just pick up the phone and call us at 720.279.7577.  We’d be happy to chat with you.

Navigating the U.S. College Application Process as an International Student in 2024

U.S. College for International Students

Deciding to study in the US is an exciting decision most students would want to make. Perhaps, it’s due to the plethora of opportunities that the American Education system offers.

Today, in this guide, we’ll help you fully understand the college application in the US in 2024. We’ll be taking the help of crisp and sequential points to elucidate our findings better. Ready then? Let’s go!

Key Steps in the U.S. College Application Process

The United States of America’s higher education sector is subject to constant change and surfing these changes requires an optimistic mindset. Let’s go through some tips to help us keep such a mental state.

1. Research and Shortlisting

An ample amount of research is necessary before applying, especially while shortlisting colleges that suit your academic goals. You can amp up your research game by using college websites, online forums, and alumni networks. They help you learn about the academic offerings and campus culture in detail.

Pro tip: Be a part of webinars and virtual college fests to build some connections with professors and admission officers. These networks provide you with easy access to firsthand admission info.

2. Standardized Tests

The majority of American colleges look for ACT or SAT scores and your proficiency in English, certified by TOEFL or IELTS. Since these tests are affected by a range of factors, staying aware of the latest developments is absolutely crucial, including any tectonic geopolitical changes.

Pro tip: You should plan out your tests ensuring you don’t miss any deadlines and score reporting dates.

3. Application Materials

Pair up your application with a good-looking academic transcript, recommendation letters and a well-crafted essay. Ideally, you should be tailoring your application based on your desired institution. This does the job of hyper-personalisation, giving you a competitive edge.

Pro tip: Start applying early and accompany it with essay feedback from your teachers and mentors.

4. Financial Considerations

While planning to study abroad, taking a quick look at your finances is considered healthy. This check should factor in your tuition, living expenses and currency fluctuations. Instruments like financial aid and on-campus work options help you grab deals like student housing in New York City.

Pro tip: You can make use of financial aid calculators from different colleges to estimate your costs and plan accordingly.

5. Visa Application

Right after admission, securing a student visa should become your top priority. And to do so, you must be familiarised with the latest visa requirements, collect the important paperwork and prepare for an interview at the U.S. embassy or consulate. 

Pro tip:  The visa application process should be sorted out beforehand to deal with any sudden developments.

Common Challenges and Solutions

Any potential challenges can be met head-on with your problem-solving skills, along with a healthy headspace and a student housing app as your friend abroad.

1. Language Proficiency

Challenge: As a non-native speaker, speaking with fluency during standardised tests shows up as a challenge. 

Solution: To emerge victorious in such situations, language courses and language exchange programs in your desired language prove to be of great help. Additionally, seeking feedback on your writing from language experts ensures your correctness.

2. Cultural Adjustment

Challenge: While adapting to your new academic and social environment, invisible blockers can creep up.

Solution: To steer away from these, use social media groups and online forums where students share their experiences inside their university and Orlando student housing. Moreover, colleges’ cultural orientation programs also smoothen your transition. And to make it even better, interaction inside international student communities can act as your support too.

3. Financial Stress

Challenge: Decoding the dynamic financial landscape can very well be stressful and anxiety-inducing.

Solution: To better equip yourself, look for financial aid officers’ guidance and enquire about scholarships and other financial aid facilities. Also, make sure you dig in for part-time gigs on campus, stick to your budget, and open up a local bank account to control your finances.

4. Admission Uncertainty

Challenge: The competitive nature of college admissions can sometimes take a toll on your mental wellness.

Solution: To battle this dilemma, mix your choices with reach, safety and match schools. Your focus should be on highlighting your unique strengths coupled with personal statements and recommendation letters. All of this along with staying in touch with each college’s requirements and deadlines, improves your acceptance prospects.

5. Visa Application Challenge

Challenge: Complex requirements and delays are common while trying to secure a student visa.

Solution: Since most of the time, the visa industry all around the globe is uncertain, staying in the loop with the latest developments and related news is a wise choice you can make. And ideally, you should be working towards securing a visa even before you start applying. This acts as an umbrella against unforeseen pitfalls and delays.


Studying in the UK is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, although with its own challenges. Getting past these challenges with a positive mindset not only gives you a noteworthy headstart but aids in your character development as well. And above all, remember, no matter how big the challenges might seem at first, you can conquer all of them with your diligence and might.

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Author’s Bio

Ayush is a daydreamer with a knack for rationalising his abstract thoughts into reality. You will find him gazing at the flowers, longing for the raindrops to play music on their delicate petals. He likes to watch an unhealthy amount of cinema, for he believes that is the most healthy way to live a thousand different lives.

Class Size & Student to Faculty Ratios: What Research Says?

student to faculty ratios and class size

Student to faculty ratios are statistics that purport to describe the educational quality of a university. A lower ratio seems to indicate smaller class sizes and a more intimate classroom experience. Not so. These ratios are unrelated to average class size, and they do not have anything to do with educational quality. An expert college admissions counselor explains what is behind these statistics and how to get beyond them to understand the truth about the educational environment at a college or university.

Continue reading

How Long Should a College Admissions Essay Be?

Student writing a college admissions essay

Throughout the process of applying to college, students must follow many steps and jump through what can feel like ten million hoops before (and even after!) hitting that submit button. But one part of the process looms large in the minds of students and parents alike: the college admissions essay. It feels so open-ended. How long should a college admissions essay be? What should you write about? How should your tone sound? How do you know if your reader will like what you wrote? 

A lot of these questions are subjective and personal, but one is much more clear-cut: essay length. In this post, we’ll go over how long your essay should be, how strict these guidelines are, and what to do if your writing doesn’t fall within the word limit provided.

How long should a college admissions essay be?

College admissions essays vary in length, but you’ll most likely be asked to write somewhere between 150 and 650 words per essay. That’s about a quarter of a page to one full page, double-spaced.

Sometimes, the word limit will be given to you right in the prompt. Take a look at this example from Villanova University:

“Why do you want to call Villanova your new home and become part of our community? Please respond in about 150 words.”

Often, the prompt itself may not state the word limit, but if you’re submitting your application through an online form like the Common App, the word limit will appear in tiny letters underneath the box where you’re supposed to paste your answer. Take a look at this screenshot from the Common App page for the University of Colorado Boulder.

As you can see, the maximum number of words the form will accept is 250, and it won’t allow you to submit fewer than 25 words, even if you want to.

Are college admissions essay word limits flexible?

So now you know how to find the word limits, but how closely do you have to stick to them? Is it okay to write less?

If a college gives you a range of words, your writing should definitely fall within that range. For example, Tufts University asks you to pick one of three topics and write between 200-250 words. In this case, you should write at least 200 words. In this case, writing fewer than 200 words could give the wrong impression for a couple of reasons.

  1. You may give the impression that you don’t have a lot to say. Since college is, after all, an educational venture, schools are looking for thoughtful applicants who like to mull over new ideas. If you write too little in what is already supposed to be a pretty short piece of writing, you’re not providing the college with evidence that you like to embrace your nerdy side!
  2. It might seem like you’re not good at following directions or feel that the rules don’t apply to you. Following directions is a significant part of the college application process, partly because there are just so many moving pieces and partly because you want to show that you’re a respectful applicant.

If the prompt only gives an upper limit, aim to write no fewer than 50 words under that limit. So, if the prompt asks you to write up to 450 words, try to write no fewer than 400 words. Again, this will help give the impression that you’re a thoughtful student who takes your time and considers your ideas carefully.

Remember: the point of your college application is to help your reader get to know you and to make a case for why you’d be an excellent fit for a given college or university. Readers already have so little to go on. You want to take every opportunity available to you to share with the reader more information and more evidence that you’re a great student!

What if you go over the word limit?

While some students may struggle to fill an essay, most students have the opposite problem, especially on first drafts; they blow that word limit out of the water!

It is totally, 100% acceptable to exceed that word limit, even by a lot, on your first draft. In fact, it’s crucial when drafting to take away those word limits and just let yourself write without any limits or judgment. That’s often how we, as writers, find our best ideas and figure out what we’re really trying to say.

However, it’s important not to exceed the given word limit on your finished product. For one thing, many colleges use a web-based form, often the Common Application, to collect applications. These forms will not allow you to submit more than the given number of words.

Even if you’re submitting your application in a format that does allow you to technically include as many words as you like, say, as a PDF or Word attachment, admissions readers may well stop reading after they hit the word limit.

Remember, admissions readers must read A LOT, usually under a stringent time limit. They may only have ten or fifteen minutes to read your entire file, including all your essays and letters of recommendation. And then they have to make some notes and repeat the whole exercise with someone else’s file, over and over, all day, for months. A pressed admissions officer simply doesn’t have the time to read the extra words you wrote!

Don’t worry, though, even if your first draft is significantly longer than it’s supposed to be. First drafts are often repetitive and wordy. Most students find that once they have a good idea of what they’re trying to say, it’s reasonably easy to cut words. 

First, review your draft and ensure you only present each idea once. Then, see if reorganizing the paragraphs would allow you to streamline your ideas to cut words. Finally, see if specific phrases can be replaced with shorter synonyms. You’ll see the words start to fall away pretty quickly.

So really, how long should a college admissions essay should be?

How long should a college admissions essay be? Most essay prompts will tell you either the range they’re looking for (e.g., “Respond in 200-250 words”) or the hard upper word limit. You’ll find this either written out right in the prompt or in little gray letters below the part of the application where you’re supposed to paste your answer.

If you don’t see a word limit anywhere on the prompt, don’t fret! Look around the college’s website for an FAQ section. If you still don’t see the answer you’re looking for, call the admissions office and ask!

It’s vital to stick fairly closely to the word limit given. Certainly, do not go over!

Need more advice on your college applications?

The team at Great College Advice has extensive experience in guiding students along the road from high school to college. We provide individually tailored, one-on-one advising to help young people achieve their educational ambitions. If you’d like more information about our services, contact us for a free consultation. Or just pick up the phone and call us at 720.279.7577.  We’d be happy to chat with you.