Universities Divided Into Colleges–Northwestern University in Illinois

During a recent visit to Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, Mark took a few moments to explain that many universities in the United States are divided administratively into separate colleges that focus on a particular academic area.

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Kalamazoo College – Great Value for Money

Kalamazoo College in Kalamazoo, Michigan, is a beautiful liberal arts college with a very rigorous academic program. Surprisingly, perhaps, Kalamazoo also has a very strong international orientation, and a very large percentage of its students go abroad to study for part of their undergraduate experience.
Kalamazoo is also home to University of Western Michigan, so the sizable student population makes it a nice town in which to go to school. The neighborhood around Kalamazoo College is quite nice. The college has a fantastic tennis facility, too. The student center is relatively new. And the central quadrangle is lovely.
Kalamazoo College has an outstanding record of getting students into graduate school.

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Excellent Science and a Whole Lot More at Case Western Reserve University

For those seeking a medium sized college campus in an urban environment may find that Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, is a great option. Known for its programs in the sciences and engineering, Case has a beautiful urban campus–even though it is bisected by a very busy thoroughfare.
Case also is contiguous with some of the greatest artistic and cultural facilities in the world, including the Cleveland Institute of Music (where you can do a joint degree at Case), Severance Hall (home of the Cleveland Symphony Orchestra), and the Institute of Art.
So if you are interested in high culture and want an urban environment, Case is hard to beat. CWRU is also trying hard to lure liberal arts students to the campus to round out its student body.

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Ohio Wesleyan University–Where Greek Life Dominates the Social Scene

students walking in college campus

Every school is a party school, in one way or another. Ohio Wesleyan has the reputation as a party school, but it has many fine attributes that one must consider–it’s not just for the frat boys and sorority girls.

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Are SAT and ACT Tests Really Essential for College Admission?

As a follow-up to our series on standardized testing and test-optional colleges, you might be interested in this video by a father-daughter team who are acting out against the SAT.  If you like what they have to say, you might sign their petition at ACToutagainstSAT.org.

SAT + ACT = Unfair + Biased? from Sam Kauffmann on Vimeo.
You should know, however, that Fairtest.org participated in the creation of the video.  That’s not a bad thing at all.  But Fairtest does have a drum to thump.  I happen to agree that these tests are flawed and a poor measure of anything important.  They are credentials, pure and simple.  And it’s true that there is racial and class bias in the tests, and those who get tutors can raise their scores considerably. I’d just as soon see them eliminated–perhaps replaced by scores on state-mandated tests that have emerged out of No Child Left Behind.
The perversion is, of course, that some states like Colorado use these tests as part of their NCLB plan.  So it looks like the tests are here to stay, no  matter how dumb they might be.
Mark Montgomery
Educational Consultant