What To Expect At A College Reception

A street sign that says " College Just Ahead"

Fall is the time of year where admissions counselors everywhere hit the road.  They stand at college fairs, conduct interviews in hotel lobbies and coffee shops and visit four to five high schools a day, all to promote their school and spread the word to potential applicants. But do you know what to expect at a college reception?

One of the most important goals a college counselor has is to bring a little bit of their college to a student who may not have the opportunity to visit or is considering planning a visit.  The best way to do this is to have a reception or an “on the road” information session.

What is a college reception?

A college reception is different from a college fair, and different from a high school visit.  Usually receptions are put on by more than one college and are held in the evening.  They are often held at a local hotel, or sometimes at a high school.

Students often receive invitations to these events. If you have signed up for more information about a particular college, you may receive an invite.  Or colleges and universities may get your contact information from either the SAT (College Board) or ACT.  Students may receive emails or glossy invitations about the event.  They are often held at a local hotel or sometimes at a high school.

The structure of the events vary, but often times students can expect to see the same or a very similar presentation to what is offered at the on-campus information sessions. The admissions counselor will give an overview of the basic statistics of the college and the admissions process.  This is a great opportunity to learn some information about the school that may not be available on the website.

One big difference is that you may hear presentations from 2 or 3 different colleges.  In some ways, this can be less helpful than a more focused session on one school.  If you are particularly interested in one of the participants at the reception, you may have to wait patiently through the presentations by colleges that interest you less. On the other hand, you may be learning about a college or two that has not yet been on your radar screen, and you may decide to expand your list as a result of the reception.

An on-the-road college reception may also be a great time to meet with other members of the college community.  Sometimes colleges will bring current students to the reception to talk about campus life and personal experiences.  Professors may come to discuss the courses they teach and the academic goals of the college.  Alumni will often speak of life after graduation and the job searching process.

Overall, attending a college reception in your hometown is a valuable way to learn more about a school.  It can help you decide if you want to spend the money to visit a school in order to learn more.

What to expect at a college reception after the presentations are over

Usually after the presentation, you will have an opportunity to meet individually with the admissions representatives. They will set up tables in different parts of the room, and you can waIk up and ask questions. So be prepared to ask some! Research the information you want to know about majors, student life and the admissions process.  Having an audience that asks questions really helps keep an admissions officer going.  Remember that they may have been up since 5AM trying to make it to all their high school visits and are now working into the evening to showcase the college that they work for.  So show them that you’re interested, and they will feel energized!

Also don’t forget to send a follow up “thank you note” to the person who presented on the college or colleges that interest you. It’s a great way to demonstrate interest and get some more brownie points for attending the college reception.

Need more help on what to expect at a college reception? Give us a call.

We helps students prepare for every aspect of the college preparation, selection, and admissions process.  We can help you get ready for that college reception–or the campus visit or the interview or any other aspect of the process.  We have helped thousands of students make solid educational plans.  We’d love to hear from you. So give is a call or contact us on our website.

Mark Montgomery
College Admissions Expert

Alumni Interview Questions – An Insider’s Guide

alumni interview questions for college admission

Get the inside scoop on the types of questions that you might be asked during your college interview.

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Stanford to Offer Alumni Interviews

Stanford University announced last week that it will now be offering optional alumni interviews to all of its applicants.  Stanford has long been one of the few elite colleges that does not allow applicants to interview.  However, according to an article on Inside Higher Education, the dean of undergraduate admission and financial aid at Stanford, Richard Shaw, stated that the interviews “add texture” to the applications.
Admissions interviews are an opportunity for students to show colleges a more personal side.  As a former associate director of undergraduate admission, I can attest to how much an interview can add to an application.  Just being able to picture a face with the file makes the process more personal.
Students should try to interview with every college that provides the opportunity.  It is essential that students who have unique circumstances, such as a dip in grades or an unusual interest, make every attempt to do college admissions interviews. Our previous post on college interview tips, provides information on what to expect during an admissions interview.
If you can not visit the school, contact the admissions office to see if a counselor will be traveling to your area.  If you don’t have the opportunity to do an in person interview, you may be able to schedule a virtual interview.  This is a great opportunity to add some “texture” to you application without living your home!
Katherine Price
Educational Consultant